Film & Animation

The Biggest Missed Opportunities In The MCU

The MCU’s done a great job of juggling its source material while also making movies that you can enjoy without having an encyclopedic knowledge of comics. But, even then there’s still a lot of missed opportunities that I just can’t let go, so here’s the absolute worst ones.
There’s still a lot of other things that I feel like could’ve worked like the Eternal’s bringing up the X-Gene or Having Tony interact with Shuri or Cap seeing Doctor Strange do actual magic… I mean I guess he saw Loki do some but it just doesn’t hit the same. Still waiting on my Doctor Doom solo movie though Marvel, still waiting. I know there’s a universe out there that has it, all I need to do is some timeline hopping and I’ll find it. Still would prefer the lazy way and just have y’all make it but you know, traversing the multiverse is always an option.
Also don’t forget to let us know what your personal biggest missed opportunity is? And if you are one of the five people who watched Inhumans and liked it, please make sure you let everyone know because I’m sure they’re dying to hear it.
Also, also don’t forget to do all the lovely YouTube things such as: liking the video, commenting (even if it is just to tell me how much you hate the video and only want to hear from the pitch meeting guy) and make sure that you hit the bell so you don’t miss any new videos.... Read More | Share it now!

Encanto: Behind The Scenes Secrets

From its beautifully detailed animation, to its extremely catchy soundtrack (they SERIOUSLY didn’t have to go that hard on we don’t talk about Bruno) Encanto definitely didn’t miss. Today we’re going to take a peek behind the scenes to see what went into making Encanto such an amazing experience. Watch along as we explore how Encanto was made during the rough last two years, Lin Manuel Miranda’s super human attention to detail in his writing, the various Colombian influences, and a quick round of trivia to stuff a couple more facts in! ... Read More | Share it now!

It’s Time for New Spider-Man Villains

Shock of shocks, this video contains SPOILERS for both Spidey in the movies and in the comics! Spider-Man No Way Home did the impossible and brought together three separate franchises worth of continuity and introduced the villains of the Raimi and Webb Spidey franchises into the MCU. Heck yeah. Whether it was your cup of web fluid or not, I think everyone can agree that seeing all those classic baddies was pretty cool, and so it wouldn’t be surprising to see more of them in the future – what with the whole highest grossing movie of all time thing. But in my opinion that you didn’t ask for, what I’d really like to see is Spidey taking on some new blood.... Read More | Share it now!

Actors That Never Remember Their Lines

The artform of acting requires a whole slew of skills. Some actors like Christian Bale like to be chameleons, slimming down for one role in The Machinist, and bulking back up for Batman Begins. Other actors like Daniel Day-Lewis go full-on method, diving into the lives of their characters for every waking moment to ensure they are being as true to the character as possible. But these examples aren’t requirements specifically, rather they are going above and beyond for a role.... Read More | Share it now!

Cobra Kai: Behind The Stunts

Seeing as it’s a show about martial arts and karate, there are unsurprisingly a great deal of action sequences in Cobra Kai, all of which are done for real. Now while like all shows, stunt performers are used for the trickier and more dangerous scenes, the actors did do a bunch of their stunts themselves, becoming adept in martial arts and being able to pull off the moves without any help. In fact, the cast estimated that they performed 90% of the stunts themselves, with only one or two of them being handed off to a stunt performer. But of course, stunt performers and the coordinators who come up with the choreography and what the fights will look like are as important as the actors themselves, and without their amazing work the show wouldn’t be as good as it is.... Read More | Share it now!