Film & Animation

Uncharted: Behind The Stunts

Tom Holland has had quite a year when it comes to leading massive action blockbusters, with him following his Spider-Man: No Way Home success as the leading man of the live action adaptation of Uncharted. What makes Holland such a successful leading man is the fact that not only is her charming, affable and a talented actor, but due to his gymnastic and acrobatics background, he is also able to pull off a number of his own stunts – something which he has done as both Spider-Man and Nathan Drake. However, Holland has admitted that the stunts and action sequences in Uncharted were the biggest and hardest he has ever been a part of and that filming the movie basically broke him as it left him with a number of bumps and bruises from either scaling a 30 ft mast or getting hit by a car 17 times.... Read More | Share it now!