You’ll Never Guess Which Avengers Endgame Scene Was Improvised

This Endgame Scene Was Not Planned..
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We’ll never quite be over the fact that Robert Downey Jr is no longer Tony Stark. There was rarely an actor so better suited for a role than when he first put on the Iron suit and effectively launched the MCU. Most of us are well aware by now that RDJ improvised almost the entirety of that first movie, and has continued flexing his improv muscles for every other Marvel movie since. But while we already knew that he made up his iconic final “I am Iron Man,” and a bunch of other classic lines throughout the franchise, there was another moment from Avengers: Endgame that we had no idea came straight out of the actor’s brain.
When he is rescued by Carol Danvers and returned to Earth after The Snap, Tony is brought back to the Avenger’s compound and reunited with the remaining heroes. As Natasha Romanoff goes over a list of all who were lost in the cataclysmic event, Steve Rogers asks Tony if he has any intel about Thanos from their altercation. This pushes Tony over the edge, and he really lets the Cap have it, expressing all of the anger and betrayal that has been building up ever since Civil War. It is at the very end of this scene, before he rips out his Arc Reactor and hands it to Rogers, that he tells him he has nothing left to give. Finally, he calls Steve something that indicates just how little he trusts The Cap anymore. Check out the video below for all of the details!

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