Hubble: The Man Behind the Name

As we approach the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope launching into space, we will be taking time to recognize the man who the famous telescope is named after: Edwin Hubble. 

Edwin Hubble is most widely known for being the astronomer that observed and detected the cepheid variable inside M31 The Great Nebula in Andromeda (now known as the Andromeda Galaxy), which was the evidence needed to show that the Universe we reside in is not a static one, but was expanding. 

These observations were made at the Mount Wilson Observatory in the 1920s and heralded a new way for humanity to understand the Universe. 

Please join +Tony Darnell, Dr.+Carol Christian and +Scott Lewis, who will be on location at the Carnegie Observatories office in Pasadena Calfornia, with Dr. John Mulchaey the acting director of the Carnegie Observatories as well as Nicholas (Nik) Arkimovich, a senior docent at the Mount Wilson Observatory. Together, they will bring fascinating insights into who Edwin Hubble was, as well as his remarkable achievements in astronomy. 

Read more about here:
Carnegie Observatories:
Mount Wilson Observatory:

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