“The Flash” Recap Rap (Seasons 3 & 4)

Before season 5, get caught up on the wackiness of The Flash seasons 3 & 4.
Seasons 1 & 2 Recap Rap ►https://bit.ly/2faIjvq
Listen to Recap Raps on Spotify! ► https://spoti.fi/2L50SRr
Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/Sub2TWZ

The Flash Seasons 3 & 4 Recap Rap
Recap Raps is a funny comedy parody series where we rap a recap of your favorite movies and tv shows!

Written and performed by Ryan Tellez – http://www.twitter.com/tellezryan
Music produced by Danny Eldridge –
Edited by Chance Cole

– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (instagr.am/teamdavisinsta)
Brian Fisher (instagr.am/lifeofbrianfisher)
David Odom (instagr.am/mr.spodom)
Michael Schroeder (instagr.am/theschroeder)
Ryan Tellez (instagr.am/tellezryan)

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