Good Actors With Cursed Careers

These actors are super talented, but man are they unlucky! Subscribe for more videos:

Hey, so Tom Holland had kind of a roller coaster of a summer. After the highs of another successful Spider-Man movie that made over a billion dollars, he was met with the devastating news that Spidey would be leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe and heading back to Sony. At the same time, he found out that his upcoming Uncharted movie had lost yet another director. It seemed like a huge wave of bad luck.

But then– his luck completely changed! On the exact same day, not only did Spider-Man return to the MCU, but his Uncharted movie got a new director! The entire situation really makes you realize what a massive role LUCK can play in an actor’s career.

In this video we’re going to take a look at some actors who haven’t been as lucky as Tom Holland. Through no fault of their own, making all the best decisions for their careers, they were met with some pretty serious movie flops. Lady luck is a fierce adversary in Hollywood!

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