Essential Phone Impressions: Middling Magnetic Minimalism

The father of the Android platform just announced a smartphone, which is kind of a big deal. It’s called the Essential Phone – not just because Andy Rubin wants you to think it’s indispensable, but because it represents the essence of what Rubin believes a smartphone should be: personal, open, premium, helpful and simple. The Essential Phone PH-1 was built to correct some of the problems Rubin says Android created, with an open ecosystem and intuitive software wrapped in a drop-resistant ceramic/titanium body bearing a magnetic attachment port for accessories. Also, no Essential Phone would be complete without an Essential Home to go along with it; in addition to its smartphone showdown, Essential will be going head-to-head with the Google Homes and Amazon Echoes of the world. But such lofty ambitions sometimes bamboozle those who should remain skeptical – especially given the crowded graveyard of tech companies who’s walked this path before. So how excited should you be for the Essential Phone? MrMobile won’t know for sure until he gets a device in his hands; until then, join him for some early impressions from afar!



Essential Phone and Essential Home at Essential:

Essential Phone Specs: Everything You Need To Know:


“Fashionista” by Olive Musique, available at Premium Beat:



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