Dragon Age Inquisition : Archer Damage | Class Guide | CaptainShack

CaptainShack gives an overview of the Archer Class gameplay from Bioware’s newly released RPG, “Dragon Age: Inquisition.” In DAI’s multiplayer co-op, players have the choice between the Arcane Warrior, Elementalist, Keeper, Necromancer, Alchemist, Archer, Assassin, Hunter, Katari, Legionnaire, Reaver & The Templar.

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What is Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Also known as Dragon Age 3, released for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, & Xbox 360 in November 2014. It is the next installment to BioWare’s Dragon Age series, though, running in the Frostbite 3 engine, the gameplay will differ significantly. DA3 will take place in the continent of Thedas and the world is said to be five times the size of Ferelden. For a single player action role-playing game, Dragon Age is known for its in-depth and highly developed story not without sex scenes and other adult themes.
