Where Birds Of Prey Falls In The Batman Timeline

Harley Quinn Might Be Seeing Robert Pattinson’s Batman Soon
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The films based off of DC Comics properties have been fairly hit or miss, often receiving quite a bit of critical and fan lashings.

For every Wonder Woman, we have a Justice League, for each Joker, a Suicide Squad. And don’t even get us started on the Green Lantern film. Yeesh.

The quality of DC films are something that a lot of people talk about. Luckily, the latest venture, Birds of Prey, seems to fall more on the positive side of the spectrum.

Since the film is quickly becoming a fan favorite, many people have been talking about where exactly the film falls within the Batman chronology.

Especially with what seems to be a branching timeline for the caped crusader happening as we speak, with The Batman rumored to be fitting in continuity with Joker, which raises a few problems since, ya know, Arthur Fleck probably isn’t Jared Leto’s Joker, the Mr. J with whom Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey and Suicide Squad, is connected to.

So are there two Jokers? Is it a different timeline entirely? Or is it as the fans have been theorizing, and this Joker is actually the film version of Jason Todd? That would be a bit nuts, but not out of the realm of possibility at this point.

Sit back as we here at Screen Rant analyse what we know about the Universe of DC Films, and try to work out where Birds of Prey fits in all of this craziness.

Also, look out! Cuz there are spoilers in this video. So go watch the movie first, then come back!

Let’s dive into it, shall we?

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لو كنتم أخوات اتحاسبوا.. بس اللى بين مروان وحسن أكبر واللقاء مايطمنش | البيت الكبير ج3

لو كنتم أخوات اتحاسبوا.. بس اللى بين مروان وحسن أكبر واللقاء مايطمنش | البيت الكبير ج3 | الحلقة 6 – مجدي كامل – لوسي – سوسن بدر – محمد داوود



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Huge thanks to Mat, JT, Logan, and Evan from BRCC for helping us make this! Would not have been possible without them and their nod of approval. Respect!

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Jake Watson: https://instagram.com/jokerwatson
Eli Cuevas: https://instagram.com/eli_doubletap
Mat Best: http://instagram.com/mat_best_official
Jarred Taylor: http://instagram.com/jtarticle15
Logan Stark: https://instagram.com/loganstark
Heather Lynn: https://instagram.com/heatherlynnoh

Stunt Car Driver: Clinton Jones https://instagram.com/_pwnisher_

Black Rifle Coffee: https://BlackRifleCoffee.com

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The Truth About The Oscars

What Really Goes On Behind The Scenes Of The Oscars
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The Academy Awards: Tinseltown’s biggest night and a defining moment for a year at the movies. It wouldn’t be the Oscars if it didn’t come with a boatload of controversy, and this year is no different. Annually, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences faces a backlash over its choice of nominees. Its host, or lack thereof, is also often a topic of contention as well. But what audiences tend to forget is that the Academy Awards don’t always have final say over a movie’s success.

Before a movie is nominated, politics often come into play. Hollywood’s smooth-talking power brokers lobby to have their favorite names placed inside the awards envelopes. With up to ten Best Picture nominees in a given year, and countless other films considered for various creative, behind-the-scenes, and lifetime achievement trophies, there are many cooks in the kitchen before dinner is served on Hollywood’s glitziest night.

In 2020, the Best Picture nominees are just part of the bigger story. Ford V Ferrari, The Irishman, Jojo Rabbit, Joker, Little Women, Marriage Story, 1917, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, and Parasite are all in contention while actors from other films are also bringing loads of press and notoriety to the pictures they represent. Who and what ultimately wins depends on way more than talent. It depends on money and influence as well. Think you know everything there is to know about the Academy Awards? Join ScreenRant as we go into the back rooms, onto backlots and learn the truth about the Oscars.

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بعد إنتقادها لخلعها الحجاب..نجمة ذافويس ترد أمس..وخبر مؤسف جدا عن جواهر الكويتية | أخبار النجوم

#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #جواهر_الكويتية و #بتول
بررت المطربة السورية، بتول بني، نجمة النسخة الرابعة في برنامج المواهب الغنائي الشهير ذافويس لعام 2018 خلعها الحجاب إلى أن الحجاب والفن لا يلتقيان وأنه يسير عكس التيار، مضيفة: “أنا مبشتغلش داعية إسلامية”.
وأضافت خلال حوارها ببرنامج “الجمعة في
مصر” المُذاع على فضائية “إم بي سي ” مصر، مساء اليوم الجمعة، أن خلعها الحجاب هو قرار شخصي في نهاية الأمر، موضحة أن أمر الغناء مع الحجاب لن يتم ضبطه.
وأكدت “بني” أنها بالحجاب أو بدونه لن يؤثر في شخصيتها، مشددة على أنها تريد أن توصل رسالتها إلى كل أنحاء العالم.
وكانت “بني” قد أثارت الجدل على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي عقب نشر أول صورة لها من دون حجاب في يونيو 2019. وظهرت فيها وهي تتناول الطعام في أحد مطاعم العاصمة اللبنانية بيروت.

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بذكرى رحيل أم كلثوم غدا..أحبها 8 وتزوجت 4 وهل تورطت بقـ ـتل أسمهان وسر منعها من الغناء بالإذاعة | أخبار النجوم
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