Top 10 Things We Wish Science Would Figure Out Already! (Quickie)

There are some really clever people on this planet… But no one quite clever enough to fathom the following… Yet! Join as we count down our picks for a QUICKIE VERSION of Top 10 Things We Wish Science Would Figure Out! Click here to see the original full-length Top 10 if you haven’t already: Read More | Share it now!

كاميليا…كانت جميلة جدا وطاردتها الاشاعات ورحلت عن الدنيا وهى صغيرة…وصور نادرة لها

إضغط هنا لترى أجمل 50 امرأة على مر التاريخ بالأسماء والصور…برأيكم من هى أجملهن ؟

إضغط هنا لترى فنانات جميلات ومشهورات إكتشفن خيانة أزواجهن ولم بحرجن من البوح بها

إضغط هنا لترى 16 فنان بهدلهم الفقر…أحدهم كان يتسول فى الشارع…ورقم 16 سيذهلكم
إضغط هنا لترى أسرار زيجات نورا وحظها السئ فى الزواج وقصة حجابها وإعتزالها
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Animal Storm Squad: Saving Pets From Natural Disasters | Nat Geo Live

In 2013 a powerful EF5 tornado devastated the town of Moore, Oklahoma, threatening a new litter of kittens. “Animal Storm Squad” host Karissa Hadden was notified of the situation by a friend and immediately began making calls from Canada to rescue these kittens and get them the emergency care they needed. In the end, three of the five kittens died, inspiring Hadden to found an animal rescue organization called Never Stop Saving, which provides pets with emergency services in the wake of natural disasters. Working with storm chasers, meteorologists, and veterinarians, Hadden’s team ventures into disaster areas to find and retrieve threatened animals. Hear her share stories from the field and talk about her passion for saving animals.
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