When you pay close enough attention, some things don’t quite add up… Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 major plot holes in movies. Special thanks to our users Juan Carlos Diaz Platas, Brody Nicholas Eiffel Jay, Quetzal00358, ruairi300, TheLikeGroup, Monica Salinas, Justin Kennon, Gradient14, Andrew A. Dennison, Jakob Silcox, Maximillian Mages, Jake Fraser, Daniel Landers, Meatbagggg, Andrew Horton, ruairi300, Nereeco, Alexander David Bourns, aldqbigsquare, WatchDogsFan47, Alejandro Nuñez, Shinitenshi, aldqbigsquare, Jacob French, Sam Rickard, DeviousLuchador, Aðalsteinn Sigmarsson and divinityman for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.com/suggest!
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