The 10 Biggest Superheroes Marvel Lost Their Rights To

Marvel went through a dark period in their history where they were forced to sell the rights to their biggest superheroes just to survive! Subscribe to our channel:

Once upon a time, Marvel as a film studio was not the powerhouse it is today. It actually was in dire straights and had to sell off the rights to many of it’s biggest characters in order to stay afloat. Times have since changed, but there are a bunch of characters and properties Marvel still doesn’t have the rights to. The most obvious would be the X-Men franchise, which is currently at home at Fox and unlike just about everything on this list, is operating quite well on its own over there with a beloved original trilogy, a prequel series including the upcoming Dark Phoenix film and a Wolverine spinoff trilogy that culminated with the acclaimed Logan film. Not too shabby! The other big property Marvel is missing is the Fantastic Four. One of the earliest superhero teams from the 1960s, the rights to the Fantastic Four are currently housed at Fox but unlike X-Men, have not fared well on the big screen. If Marvel would require them in the merger deal of 2018 between Fox and Disney, not only would the Four come home, but so would two mega characters. A hero is only as good as it’s villain and Dr. Doom has acted as both hero and villain in the past and is without a doubt, one of the best comic book characters ever written. Another great character that would come with that deal is the Silver Surfer, the herald to Galactus and a pretty awesome character in his own right. Then there are the characters Marvel doesn’t own but have appeared in the MCU. That would be the Hulk and Spider-Man. Hulk’s solo film rights are tired up at Universal and thus, Disney can’t make it and Spidey is on loan from Sony, who in turn still own the rights to all the other Spider-Man characters and villains, like Morbius, Kraven, Carnage and Venom, the latter two having recently appeared on the big screen together. Finally, the big mystery character for some would be Marvel’s answer to Aquaman: Namor. Please, let him be in Black Panther 2! That would be the best possible story arc!


Entry 1 THE HULK
Entry 2 THE X-MEN
Entry 5 NAMOR
Entry 8 DR. DOOM

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