Top 10 Hated Actors

Sometimes, not even the glamor of the silver screen can cover up personality flaws. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 hated actors. Special thanks to our users Demkillerus, Cerone Penza, Mattyhull1, Alexander David Bourns, Rick James, Philip Folta and Chance Ellison for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at!... Read More | Share it now!

Top 10 Games That Ruined Their Franchises

These are games that were so bad they ruined any chance of a sequel, or had to be rebooted. Join as we countdown our picks for the top 10 video games that ruined their franchises. Special thanks to our users “jjboy5024”, “ThaHax1337”, “TheDanTheManShow” & “NoFriends Inc.” for suggesting this topic on our website Read More | Share it now!