Jurassic Park T-Rex Chase – Homemade Side by Side Comparison

“Welcome to Jurassic Park!” Check out our HOMEMADE version of the Jurassic Park T-Rex Chase presented Side-by-Side with the Original! Subscribe for new Homemade Movies every Tuesday – http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Watch the final Homemade version

Watch the behind-the-scenes:

We may not have the advanced cloning technology to make dinosaurs in a lab… But we can sure make this iconic Jurassic Park scene at home! Check it out!!!!!!

Homemade Movies serves up creative remakes of your favorite movies, trailers and original songs. Every episode is an exact shot-for-shot remake created at home without any visual effects. It’s homemade movie magic from acclaimed director Dustin McLean! Let us know in the comments what movie you want to see homemade next!

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Ari Schneider
Cat Alter
Danny Lutman

Directed by Dustin McLean
DustFilms Crew: Benjamin Martian
Produced by DustFilms