Afterparty Link:
1:48 Slicks trip to Korea
17:17 Xbox One, OR SHOULD I SAY – 180 – HAR HAR
24:40 Steam to possibly allow friends to share/borrow games!
34:30 Microsoft offering schools/offices 199$ RT Tablets, Apple scores $30Mill LA school district deal
39:30 Mars Curiosity Rover returns billion pixel photo of awesomeness
49:18 How should we work with Noctua?
59:04 Erotic Adventure with Occulus Rift
1:01:08 Austrian computer companies talk to eachother
1:05:12 AMD 5GHZ CPU! Will not sell through retail… 🙁
1:15:27 Best CPU’s for the money
1:21:18 Nvidia Licenses out Kepler Arch
1:31:10 China now has the worlds fastest super computer… by a lot
1:34:42 Build Log of the Week