If Star Wars Had Facebook 3, presented by PlayStation Store.
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If Star Wars Had Facebook 3
Heading into Epidode 8: The Last Jedi, it’s another humorous look at what the facebook feeds of your favorite Star Wars characters might look like.
Alex Walker Smith – www.alexwalkersmith.com
Darth Vader, Poe, Kanjiklub, Jar Jar Binks
Brock Baker – http://www.youtube.com/mcgoiter
Yoda, Han Solo
Jon Bailey – http://www.youtube.com/jon3pnt0
Kylo Ren, Bib Fortuna, Emperor Palpatine
Akeem Lawanson – http://www.youtube.com/AtomIcHole
Fozec, Finn
Amanda Philipson – http://www.twitter.com/philipsonamanda
Leia, Maz
Kelly Sparrman
Shayne Topp (Smosh) – http://www.youtube.com/smosh
C-3PO, Luke Skywalker
Mary Risk as Rose Tico
Ryan Tellez
Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Hux
Malakili, Porg, Mickey Mouse
Davis as Darth Revan
R2D2 as Himself
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