Sky recalls how the squid menace began… 30,000 LIKES FOR MORE MACHINIMAS?!
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Skydoesminecraft goes to therapy to work out his “squid” problem in order to abide by the law to not end up in jail again. Sky was forced against his will into therapy due to his birthday suit shenanigans which caused Sky’s family, friends and the authorities to become very much worried for him and his sanity. Munchingbrotato his therapist tries to talk him through his problems by going back to the beginning where it all began. Sky then has flashbacks to a Minecraft beta server where the great Squid War had begun.
The Sky army came together and tried their best to rid the planet of squids and their destruction after everything had settled they had thought that they had wiped the squids from Minecraft. Yet, the squids returned stronger than ever and destroyed everything they loved! The squids had evolved and no longer abided by laws of nature.The only way they could destroy the squids was teaming together with MinecraftUniverse, JeromeASF and Deadlox. They marched right into the great squid dimension fighting at the squids front door and in the end they got their sweet revenge and saved the world!
Skydoesmincraft’s therapist Munchingbrotato tries to convince Adam that his squid vendetta is all just a figment of his imagination and that the squids are just a part of him that he tries to lock away deep inside of himself. Sky can’t believe what he was just told and is reminded that he wanted to become a ice cream sandwich yet that wasn’t possible. Brotato tries convincing Sky that people and squids are the same and that anything is possible. The therapist tell Sky that it isn’t his fault yet Sky doesn’t accept this easily at first but after a long talk with Munchingbrotato he finally accepts that the squids were just in his head and don’t actually exist…or do they.
Music used in this intro is by KevinMacleod at
Music Used
NoiseStorm – Airwaves
NoiseStorm – Renegade
Music Supplied by MonsterCatMedia –
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