We’re awarding up to $5 million annually to GoPro content creators.
Capture your interests, your passions, your life… with a GoPro. Submit your best photos, raw clips and video edits right here http://gopro.com/awards. We’ll be granting cash awards for our favorites in each category.
Check out more: http://gopro.com/awards
How GoPro Awards Works
1. Capture your passions whatever they may be. Whether it’s chasing your kids around the playground, getting blasted in a snowball fight, or diving off a cliff – GoPro wants to see it.
2. Submit your most interesting moments to GoPro. Upload fun, feel good, beautiful or awe-inspiring content for GoPro’s review and consideration.
3. Get rewarded. GoPro Awards will be given for memorable photos ($500), raw video clips ($1000), and video edits ($5000) in a variety of genres.
Big Wild “Aftergold”
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