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Secret Hitler Highlights – Winning entry by Glen Callaert

The Secret Hitler Highlight competition has finally come to a close and we have picked a winner. Congratulations Glen Callaert who picks up the $150 prize. We had well over 100 entries and it took a long time to get through them all, but this one stood out as having all the right qualities. Slick transitions, good use of thematic graphics, excellent choices of clips and overall a great eye for editing gave Glen the victory. We’d like to thank everyone who entered the contest, we had so many good ones.

Everyone who submitted an entry is free to upload their videos to their own channels.


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Here’s how to make homemade “bath bombs” that’ll help make your relationship “explode. They erupt on contact with water. Infusing color, fragrance, and moisture … which should leave your partner feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and appreciated.

FREE Bath Bomb Label Template:…

Death Star Mold:
Citric Acid:

The Recipe at a glance:

– 1/4 Cup: Baking Soda
– 1/8 Cup: Epsom Salt (or sea salt)
– 1/8 Cup: Citric Acid (Health food stores, speciality food/ethnic grocery stores, or online:
– 1/8 Cup: Corn Starch

– 1.5 teaspoons: Vegetable Oil (or Castor Oil)
– 12-15 Drops Red Food Coloring (and/or a squirt of liquid hand soap to make bubbles)
– 1 teaspoon: Water

Next Video: How To Make The “Mini Master Sword”:
Previous Video: The “Gas Blaster” Propane Torch:

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Magic Mud:
Paper Napkin Rose:
Exploding Ninja Stars:

Music By: TheFatRat – Licensed by Tasty
Song Title: Never Be Alone
Music Video:
Label Channel:

Project Inspired By:

A commercial “bath bomb” from a hotel my wife took me to, as part of a birthday getaway in 2014.

WARNING: Use of this product typically induce feelings of love, relaxation, and appreciation, in the user. Side effects may include hugs, kisses, and in some cases, pregnancy. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

A little over 2 years ago, my wife decided that for my birthday gift she wanted to take me out to spend the night at a very romantic, but very old, hotel.

As we were checking in, the attendant asked us if we’d like to purchase a “bath bomb” to enhance our experience.

I had never heard of a “bath bomb” before, but naturally my ears perked up, and of course I was interested in anything ending with the word “bomb”.

The instructions said to simply drop it in the bath water, so we did, and to my amazement, it immediately started fizzing and bubbling, and making the room smell amazing. The water got softer, and our bath felt like luxury and pure bliss.

I decided right then and there (in the bath tub) that I was going to figure out how to make one of these amazing devices, and share it with the world.

I put the idea on the shelf for awhile to focus on other projects, but my interest was reawakened one night as my family and I were watching a YouTube channel called “What’s Up Moms”. They had a cool bath bomb video ( that inspired me to try again.

I followed Brooke’s instructions perfectly, changing only the color and the amount of water slightly, and to my great satisfaction, this recipe worked perfectly! ..which meant my wife and I enjoyed another bath bomb experience that night.

With Valentines Day quickly approaching, my goal was to come up with a cool project idea that anyone could share with their partner, and be proud of. I wanted a project that was “King of Random Style”, but still gentle and elegant enough to make a woman happy, and genuinely excited about her gift as well.

I spent weeks experimenting with different ideas, colors, and molds, and developed ideas ranging from black Bob-ombs and round bath bombs, to sticks of TNT.

Ultimately I settled on a red/pink stick of dynamite, because it looks cool, and turns the water pink as it diffuses.

My wife guided me in my choices of essential oils, based on what she prefers, so the only thing left for me to figure out was how to make the wick useful.

The idea of tying a secret gift, like jewelry, to the end of the string then packing it into the bath bomb during production came to me as I was nearing the end of my prototyping.

This was too perfect! Not only was the presentation already awesome, and the bath stimulating, impressive, and relaxing, but now to top it all of there was a piece of jewelry inside as well!

My wife loved the idea so much we immediately got on Amazon and picked out a ring she adored, so I could pack it into her “surprise” while filming the video 🙂

QC#97 – “TNT” Bath Bomb

A homemade “bath bomb” erupts on contact with water, infusing color, fragrance, and relaxation.

See the full project video: How To Make A “TNT” BATH BOMB:

Death Star Mold:
Citric Acid:

Next Video: QC#98: – Coming Soon!
Previous Video: QC#96 – Styrofoam Sidearm: Coming Soon!

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“Quick Clips” are clips of random experiments in a minute or less.

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Paper Napkin Rose:
Exploding Throwing Stars:
Thunder Caps:

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Music by Scott & Brendo “One More Time” Instrumental

Project Inspired By:

A commercial “bath bomb” from a hotel my wife took me to, as part of a birthday getaway in 2014.

WARNING: Use of this product typically induce feelings of love, relaxation, and appreciation, in the user. Side effects may include hugs, kisses, and in some cases, pregnancy. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

A little over 2 years ago, my wife decided that for my birthday gift she wanted to take me out to spend the night at a very romantic, but very old, hotel.

As we were checking in, the attendant asked us if we’d like to purchase a “bath bomb” to enhance our experience.

I had never heard of a “bath bomb” before, but naturally my ears perked up, and of course I was interested in anything ending with the word “bomb”.

The instructions said to simply drop it in the bath water, so we did, and to my amazement, it immediately started fizzing and bubbling, and making the room smell amazing. The water got softer, and our bath felt like luxury and pure bliss.

I decided right then and there (in the bath tub) that I was going to figure out how to make one of these amazing devices, and share it with the world.

It turns out a lot of people have made bath bombs, and some even made videos as well, so I had a good place to start. But as I searched the internet and experimented with different recipes I wasn’t really happy with the results.

I put the idea on the shelf for awhile to focus on other projects, but my interest was reawakened one night as my family and I were watching a YouTube channel called “What’s Up Moms”. They had a cool bath bomb video ( that inspired me to try again.

I followed Brooke’s instructions perfectly, changing only the color and the amount of water slightly, and to my great satisfaction, this recipe worked perfectly! ..which meant my wife and I enjoyed another bath bomb experience that night.

With Valentines Day quickly approaching, my goal was to come up with a cool project idea that anyone could share with their partner, and be proud of. I wanted a project that was “King of Random Style”, but still gentle and elegant enough to make a woman happy, and genuinely excited about her gift as well.

I spent weeks experimenting with different ideas, colors, and molds, and developed ideas ranging from black Bob-ombs and round bath bombs, to sticks of TNT.

Ultimately I settled on a red/pink stick of dynamite, because it looks cool, and turns the water pink as it diffuses.

My wife guided me in my choices of essential oils, based on what she prefers, so the only thing left for me to figure out was how to make the wick useful.

The idea of tying a secret gift, like jewelry, to the end of the string then packing it into the bath bomb during production came to me as I was nearing the end of my prototyping.

This was too perfect! Not only was the presentation already awesome, and the bath stimulating, impressive, and relaxing, but now to top it all of there was a piece of jewelry inside as well!

My wife loved the idea so much we immediately got on Amazon and picked out a ring she adored, so I could pack it into her “surprise” while filming the video 🙂

I have never taken so many baths in my life as I have in the last 2 weeks prototyping and testing TNT bath bombs, and loved everyone. ..except for the ones with the black food coloring.

I hope you try this project yourself, and drop the “Love Bomb” this Valentines Day, on your special someone.

The Co-Optional Podcast Ep. 109 ft. Ross Scott [strong language] – February 4, 2016

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TotalBiscuit, JP and Jesse Cox sit down with Ross Scott on this episode of the Co-Optional Podcast! Enjoy!

Timestamps courtesy of
Welcome to the Co-optional Podcast: 00:00:30
Now discussing: The Fine Bros 00:07:50
Now discussing: XCOM 2 00:41:00
Welcome back! 01:00:40
Now discussing: Environmental Station Alpha 01:01:50
Now discussing: Waking Mars 01:02:40
Now discussing: Dex 01:04:20
Now discussing: Patient gaming 01:10:30
Now discussing: Out there 01:11:40
Now discussing: Dawn of War: Winter Assault 01:14:00
Now discussing: Shadow Complex 01:16:10
Now discussing: The Division 01:22:20
Now discussing: The Souls series 01:37:40
Now discussing: Rainbow 6: Siege 01:42:50
New discussing: Rise of the Tomb Raider 01:48:10
Now discussing: Other things! 01:51:20
Now discussing: PAX South 01:51:40
Now discussing: Quantum Chess 01:52:50
Now discussing: Dreadnaught 01:55:10
Now discussing: Dead Star 02:03:00
Now discussing: Okhlos 02:07:10
Now discussing: EA 02:12:20
Now discussing: Witness piracy 02:26:10
New discussing: Releases 02:36:50
Now discussing: Cat Simulator 02:37:20
Now discussing: Releases 02:37:30

Original air date: February 2nd, 2016

Ross Scott


Jesse Cox
Thanks for watching The Co-Optional Podcast!

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► WTF Is… – XCOM 2 ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the upcoming turn-based strategy game from 2K/Firaxis.
Review code was supplied by the publishers free of charge.
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My thoughts on Tom Clancy’s The Division (Beta)

TotalBiscuit brings you an overview of the new open world third person shooter from Ubisoft. “My thoughts” is a series of exactly that, an expression of thoughts on a game, usually one yet to be released. It is not a formal review, nor does it claim to be, you will likely find highly subjective opinions within. It does exactly what it says on the tin.

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Convert Your Backyard Foundry To Propane! (“Gas Blaster” Propane Torch)

Turn common plumbing materials into a metal melting propane torch, and instantly convert your “flower-pot” foundry, to propane.

Free Template:

Next Video: How To Make A “TNT” BATH BOMB:
Previous Video: How To Make The “Styro-Slicer”:

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Styrofoam Casting:

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Endcard Links:

Mini Metal Foundry:
Cap Darts:
Brass Knuckles:

Music By: TheFatRat – Licensed by Tasty
Song Title: Windfall
Music Video:…
Label Channel:

Project Inspired By:

Two different friends that let me study the propane torches they made from designs found on the internet. After experimenting independently, I developed the two designs into this hybrid.

WARNING: Propane torches are not toys, and must be treated with caution and respect. Flames can reach temperatures upwards of 2,000ºC, which is well above the melting point of hobbyists. Working with power tools poses risks of personal injury. This project should only be attempted with adequate knowledge and training, and under constant adult supervision. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that any project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

A year after I made my charcoal foundry (, a friend named Chris came by to visit, and to show me a foundry he’d made out of a propane tank, and refractory cement. His was more expensive to construct, but was made to last longer, and he powered it with propane instead of charcoal.

He said the burner plans he followed were the common “Ron Reil” design, which for some reason I had never heard of. He hadn’t tested his foundry yet, so I got one of my brass ingots and a crucible, and we fired it up.

I was amazed that in just over 2 minutes, we’d completely melted the brass ingot, and there was no charcoal dust flying around, no mess inside the foundry, and we didn’t have to stop and keep adding more fuel every 5 minutes. This rekindled my interest for backyard metalworking, and I decided right there that I needed to have a propane conversion, and a new foundry.

I bought the plumbing parts from Home Depot with intentions to build the torch, but they just sat on my worktable for months as I worked on developing other projects first.

After a considerable amount of time, a young man named Shadrick came to my house with a group of other boys who were interested in seeing some of my projects. Shad noticed the plumbing parts on my table and asked if I was making a propane burner, and I said I intended to but hadn’t got around to it. To my surprise, he let me know he’d made a propane foundry himeself and had been using it to forge steel, melt aluminum, and make knives for over a year.

Shad was good enough to let me spend a couple hours at his house seeing his foundry in operation, then let me borrow his burner assembly to study it in my shop.

I noticed his assembly was completely different from the one Chris had, and since I really didn’t have much idea of how propane burners worked at all, I was interested in reverse engineering the science behind it.

In experimenting, I realized that the purpose of the burner was to mix certain amounts of fuel and air to achieve the hottest temperature possible, and the cleanest burn.

I played with different lengths of tubing, and stumbled on the realization that by controlling the air-flow through the intake port, I could adjust the flame completely, and use any length of pipe I wanted. I also noticed that without a nozzle on the end, the burner wouldn’t work.

I quickly developed some prototypes for an air regulator design I made from the lid of a tuna can, and it worked perfectly!

My final design was a hybrid of the two systems, with most of the plumbing parts based around the Ron Reil assembly, and the rest based on the connections I saw on Shad’s system.

I was going to build a new foundry, designed to last longer than sand and plaster, but when I realized the propane torch worked just fine in the mini metal foundry I made before, I decided there was no need. And considering so many people have already made the plaster foundry, this simple propane burner gives the option of switching the foundry between propane, or charcoal, with no modifications required.