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2012 Hyundai Veloster EcoShift Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, Test Drive

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ More like an Accent coupe in its driving dynamics. Hyundai’s new Veloster certainly gets our vote as one of the most original vehicle designs introduced last year. The turbo model is definitely the one to get to match it’s sporty looks. But for those looking for a sport compact hot hatch, there are better choices out there. Think of this vehicle as a fuel efficient commuter car that stands out from the crowd.

2010 Volvo XC70 Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, Test Drive

Station wagons are soo uncool right? We don’t think so, maybe there’s something wrong with us? Nope, car enthusiast tend to love wagons, you essentially get all the practicality of an SUV with car like fuel efficiency and handling. That’s not always the case, as the current Volvo XC70 feels a bit more like an SUV and drinks gas like an SUV as well. It’s still a great family vehicle but we think the brand needs to offer something more to bring new buyers to the family.

Make a Spot Welder for Cheap!!

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make an 800 amp Spot Welder from common materials and for dirt cheap! Spot welders are used to fuse thin sheets of metal together and can cost hundreds of dollars to buy. In this video, we’ll do it for practically nothing!

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Metal Melter:
Make the Melter:
Mirowave Hack:
Emergency Power:

Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-RockTune)

Project Inspired By:

How-to: Build your own spot welder


Burning galvanized metal may release toxic Zinc Oxide fumes. This project is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in severe electric shock, cardiac arrest, serious injury, permanent damage to equipment and property, and/or death. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

By modifying the secondary coil on a MOT, the transformer is converted from a high voltage/low current device into a low voltage/high current metal melter. High current can be directed to one focused location to fuse sheets of metal together on contact.

Using some scavenged parts from the microwave in a previous project, as well as some wood panels and a few other accessories, we can make a fully functional Spot Welder that works well, and has some built in safety precautions!

The electrical power is high enough to turn a nail into boiling liquid iron.

Disposable Lighter Pyrotechnics

Whether you’ve got an itch for a mini-flamethrower, a shower of burning sparks, or a exploding ball of flames, these little fireworks-producing lighters may be the answer to your pyrotechnic cravings!

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H2O Explode:
Burning Fuses:
Stick Fire:
Rocket Fuel:

Music By:
Jason Shaw (TU-OccupyTheDanceFloor)

Project Inspired By:

Memories of past teenage experiences


This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of pyrotechnics may result in serious injury, death, and/or permanent damage to people and/or property. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

Make mini flamethrowers, exploding fireballs, and flint bomb sparklers! Here’s how you can modify disposable lighters into small scale pyrotechnics!

Mini Flamethrower:

By hacking into the valve tensioner and adjusting it counter clockwise, you can shoot a flame 12 inches long!

Spark-Making Flint Bomb:

Taking the striker wheel off and removing the flint and spring is the next step toward making a flint bomb. The flint is spring-loaded and will fly out under pressure as soon as the wheel is removed, so be ready to catch it, or prepare for a scavenger hunt to recover it!

Wrap the flint into the spring so it holds securely, and now you can hold it in an open flame for about 25 seconds until it glows bright orange.

Throw it at the ground with force and watch the sparks fly!

Exploding Balls of Flames:

With the leftover lighter bodies still full of liquid butane, you can try smashing them down on the ground next to an open flame… For me, this resulted in a giant flaming fireball. Probably not the safest activity, but a lot of fun since nobody got hurt this time.

DIY Emergency Fire Starter (Char Cloth)

I sacrificed my kids clothes and a can of tuna to make some high quality fire starter! Here’s how to make a great batch of Char-Cloth to add to your emergency kit.

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Fire Piston:
Solar Scorcher:
Fire with Water:
Stick Fire:

Music By:
Jason Shaw (RP-KickedUpPumps)

Project Inspired By:



This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of fire and flammable materials may result in serious injury, property damage, and/or death. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

Project History & More Info:

Char cloth is a fabric, like 100% cotton, that has been converted into a slow-burning fuel that can ignite at very low temperatures.

The process of cooking the fabric, without burning it, is called pyrolysys. During pyrolysys, gasses such as hydrogen and methane are released from the fabric, and can be ignited and burned.

The process of making char cloth is very similar to making wood gas, and the gas released can be captured and burned as fuel.

Char cloth can be ignited by a single spark, that can in turn be used to ignite a tinder bundle to start a fire. Sometimes it’s difficult to ignite tinder directly, and char cloth provides a means that makes the process extremely simple.

Start a Fire With a Water Bottle

Here’s a technique you can use to start a fire for survival if you having nothing but a water bottle and a bright sunny day. If you like survival and fire-making techniques, this video is a must see!

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Fire by Sticks:
Power of the Sun:
Urine Ignition:
Fire Piston:

Music By:

Kevin Macleod (Stomp Dance, Movement Proposition, Chipper Doodle)

Project Inspired By:

A co-worker mentioning her boyfriend once burned a hole in a pice of paper with a water bottle. On that idea, I practiced until I could prove it worked, and then until I felt like I’d mastered the technique.


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Project History & More Info:

Computer paper with black ink is the tinder of choice for practicing this technique because anyone should have access to it, and it’s fairly consistent and reliable.

The bottle needs to be filled with water, and ideally should have no air bubbles inside. By turning the bottle upside down and using the rounded convex part at the top, we can use a water bottle as a make-shift magnifying lens.

The curved water refracts the sunlight, and give the ability to focus it. The closer the rounded lens is to resembling a liquid sphere, the better it will work. If bubbled are trapped in the bottle, they will distort the sunlight and weaken the intensity of the beam.

This technique isn’t easy, and takes a lot of practice to master, so don’t wait until you’re in a survival situation to try it.

HHO Generator – Water to Fuel Converter (aka Explosive Gas by Electrolysis)

For this project let’s build a sexy looking generator that uses electricity to convert water into an extremely powerful fuel! Here’s how to build an Oxy-Hydrogen generator from scratch.

I’ve been getting a lot of requests for build plans, so I made a 23 page .pdf file you can have for $20 (This helps compensate for the 3 days it took me to make them). You can get them here:

Everything you need to know should be in the video, but the plans have templates for the stainless steel plates, a parts list with SKU numbers, pictures, instructions, and expanded view diagrams of the systems, including an alternate “all ABS” option.

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H2O Explodes:
Power of the Sun:
Fire Piston:
Scorcher Frame:

Music By:

Kevin Macleod (Breakdown)

Project Inspired By:

“Smack’s Booster”:


This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Misuse, or careless use, of tools or projects may result in serious injury, property damage, and/or death. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

This is not a “free energy” device, “over unity” device, or a claim to be the solution to the worlds energy crisis. This is a project I did to experiment with the electrolysis of water, and the resulting gasses collected.

I have not tried this HHO fuel to operate engines, although many people claim they have done it with success.

Project History & More Info:

The generator requires electricity to electrolyze H2O (water) into gas. The resulting mixed gas is sometimes referred to as Oxy-Hydrogen gas, which is 2 parts Hydrogen (H2) and 1 part Oxygen (O2). I typically hook this up to my car battery while the vehicle is running, so the alternator takes most of the load. On 12 volts I get about 1.5 liters/minute, but when I want to make the gas faster, I hook 2 car batteries in series for 24 volts, and this exponentially increases the gas production to over 5 liters per minute.

Current draw seems to be around 20-50 amps depending on whether you use 12-24 volts. High current draws mean the electrolyte heats up, and if left too long the plastic can warp or melt causing structural failure.

Some people ask why the plates aren’t all electrically connected. The plates that aren’t connected are called “floater” plates, or “neutral” plates. There is too much information to post about them here, so do a google search, or check out websites like for an in depth explanation of the theory.

I used KOH as my electrolyte because research suggested it was the best. I haven’t experimented with other electrolytes, but have heard that salt, sodium hydroxide, vinegar, etc could work, but will dirty and may corrode the plates. Potassium Hydroxide keeps the system clean, however, it is caustic, so be careful if you choose to use it. You can probably get away with about 2-4 teaspoons of KOH per 6 liters of water.

This system produces an extremely powerful OxyHydrogen gas. When the gas is used, it simply turns back into water, and that’s good for the environment. However I believe it takes more electric energy to produce the gas than is obtained from the gas. This device merely converts the energy from one form to another, with given losses.

As long as you have enough electricity, the amount of water already in this system is enough to produce thousands and thousands of liters of fuel. Some people say this is the fuel of the future. Either way, it’s a very powerful gas!

If you need more information, or want to purchase build plans for this design, you can get them here: