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Hearthstone – What did the patch do?

TotalBiscuit brings you a rundown of the latest changes in Hearthstone.

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Content Patch – October 3rd, 2013 – Ep. 149 [Half Life 3, Metal Gear Rising, Deus Ex]

00:27 Half Life 3 is trademarked
05:24 Hideo Kojima confirms a PC version of Metal Gear Rising
09:31 The future of Deus Ex has been announced
13:40 TOTD: DusK – Syndication

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► WTF Is… – Battlefield 4 Beta ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the recently released beta for the upcoming shooter from DICE.

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2012 Chrysler 200 S Review, Walkaround, Exhaust, & Test Drive

Help us grow so we can bring you more videos! Like us on Facebook @ 2011 brought Chrysler’s family sedan a new name, redesigned interior, a new V6 engine, and an improved look. Unfortunately, all these changes still only mask the big flaws that plagued the previous Sebring name. The burly Pentastar V6 makes this a quick sedan but power isn’t everything. Make sure you check out the mid-size family sedan competition before making your decision.

Content Patch – October 2nd, 2013 – Ep. 148 [Watch Dogs, AC4, BEYOND, Releases]

00:40 Ubisoft may alternate between AC and Watch Dogs on a year-by-year basis
06:08 EU PS blog updates reveal a censored version of BEYOND: Two Souls is coming for the EU
10:36 Ubisoft delays the PC version of AC4
15:28 Release round-up
19:05 TOTD: Sixto Sounds, zircon – Nuclear Flash

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Hearthstone: Lord of the Arena – Episode 18

TotalBiscuit brings you another Hearthstone Arena run

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6 “Digital Life” Hacks, for Your Passwords!

In recognition of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, here are 6 tips to making solid passwords, to help protect your digital life.

Special thanks to Intel and McAfee for supporting this project!

Be sure to check out for digital life hacks like these, as well as a chance to win a Free Ultrabook.

A huge shout-out to my friend Owen for creating the custom artwork of me and Iron Man. Check out his webpage at

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Endcard Links:

Secret Safe:
Butter Candle:
Solar Scorching:
Water Fuel:

Music By:

As always, big thanks to my friends Scott & Brendo for letting me use their song (“The World Turns” – Instrumental). If you like their music, you can download it here:

Project Inspired By:

Intel / McAfee and their request to come up with “digital life” hacks, for methods of creating strong passwords, practical for everyday users.


The ideas and examples demonstrated in the video are suggestions for practical development of strong memorable passwords based on my personal research and experience. Having a strong password will not guarantee your accounts cannot be compromised. There are many people with many ways to trick you into giving out personal information. See below for links to more information on how you can be better protected. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

Helpful Hints for Extra Security:

– Have you already been hacked? .. Contact your web service and follow steps for recovering account. Change passwords to all compromised accounts asap. You can find contact information and guidance at
– Never click the link on an email that asks you to log into your account. For example, if you get an email claiming to be from “Paypal”, “eBay” or any other sensitive site asking you to log in, it’s probably a phishing scam. To be safe, log into the account by going directly to their website.
– Avoid forwarding emails to multiple recipients. Forwarding mass emails is a great way for hackers to collect lists of passwords, and begin phishing for sensitive personal information. To be save, avoid forwarding mass emails, and do not click on links in suspicious emails.
– If an email looks suspicious, don’t even open it.

Why write down passwords on a piece of paper?

“Simply, people can no longer remember passwords good enough to reliably defend against dictionary attacks, and are much more secure if they choose a password too complicated to remember and then write it down. We’re all good at securing small pieces of paper. I recommend that people write their passwords down on a small piece of paper, and keep it with their other valuable small pieces of paper: in their wallet.”
—Bruce Schneier, 2005

Like any security measure, super strong passwords will not guarantee you ultimate protection, but these ideas are simple, and are certainly the first line of defense in protecting your accounts.

Once again, special thanks to http:/ for supporting this project. Be sure to check out http:/ for digital life hacks like these, as well as a chance to win a free Ultrabook.TM

► WTF Is… – Day One: Garry’s Incident ?

TotalBiscuit takes a look at the recently released survival game from Wild Games Studio.

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Salebox – Steam Weekly Deals – October 1st, 2013

TotalBiscuit rounds up this week’s sales and gives recommendations.

00:46 Victoria II
02:17 SpeedRunners
03:38 PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
05:14 Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory
06:10 Sword of the Stars: The Pit
07:23 Renegade OPS
08:40 Wasteland Angel
09:47 Ignite
10:40 Warlock: Master of the Arcane
11:58 Hamilton’s Great Adventure
13:05 Fist Puncher