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QC#40 – Dragon Smoke

A cool snack that turns you into a dragon, temporarily.

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NOTE: This is mainly for demonstrational purposes because chances are, you don’t have access to liquid nitrogen.

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Music By:
Music by Jason Shaw (RP-Clattertrap)

Project Inspired By:

“Whipped Cream Frozen With Liquid Nitrogen Turns People Into Dragons”: (If you check out this video, please leave them a comment that you came from Grant Thompson’s channel and that I gave them credit for the idea 🙂 Thank you!

WARNING: This video is mainly for demonstrational purposes. Although Liquid Nitrogen isn’t readily accessible to the general public, it should always be treated with caution and respect. At a temperature of -321F, it will start to freeze organic matter within seconds. Never drink liquid nitrogen. Use of video content is at own risk.

Project History & More Info:

The majority of people don’t have access to liquid nitrogen, and those who do, should be familiar with the risks associated. I do not recommend anyone actually try this, but if treated with caution and respect I feel it’s a safe enough experiment that it could be easily duplicated without incident.

Are you reading the description? If so, leave a comment using the word “RAVIOLI” in a sentence, and let’s see how confused everyone else gets 😀

About the demonstration:

To get this effect, I sprayed a line of whipped cream into a bath of liquid nitrogen for 5-10 seconds.

The cream is very light and fluffy and full of air, so it freezes almost instantly. I found that by rolling the frozen cream around on my tongue while chewing very gently, massive amounts of vapor would shoot out of my nose and mouth.

It’s speculated that there may be a danger if large pieces of cream are eaten, as it could quickly shock-cool the mouth and cause tissue damage and/or microfissures in tooth enamel. To avoid that risk I just roll the cream quickly on my tongue. If you roll it fast enough, it doesn’t even feel cold at all.

Assuming that my mouth is approximately 98.6F and liquid nitrogen is -321F, there is a difference of nearly 420F. As the super cooled cream contacts my mouth, it instantly condenses my breath into water vapor, and that is the fog you see coming out of my nose and mouth.

I highly recommend having a warm drink within arms reach so you have a way to warm your mouth back up, just in case it gets uncomfortable for any reason.

Again, the majority of people won’t have access to liquid nitrogen, and those who do should be familiar with the risks associated. I do not recommend anyone actually try this, I only say that this is what happened when I tried it for myself. 🙂

2015 Chrysler 200 S – Redline: First Drive

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How To Make The Bitty-Q – (A Drink-Can BBQ)

Got an itch to grill, but don’t have a BBQ handy? Here’s an awesome little hack, to satisfy your meaty cravings one bratwurst at a time!

Wire grill template:

In this project you’ll see how to make an itty-bitty BBQ, from leftover drink cans.

Congratulations to John Forsyth, the winner of the Bitty-Q!

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Music by (Fire Within)

WARNING: Cutting aluminum cans will give the metal very sharp edges. Sharp edges cut skin. You may want to use gloves to mitigate any risk. Hot coals also pose a number of risks. Never use around flammable materials or on tabletops sensitive to heat. This project should not be attempted without adult supervision and adequate training. Use of this video content is at your own risk.

I was amazed at how well this really works! I lit 2 coal briquettes in a separate metal container, and let them burn until the outsides turned white, then I transferred them to the Bitty-Q, put a couple of bratwurst on the grill, and came back 10 minutes later to find them perfectly grilled, and mouthwatering.

Inspired by: A picture I saw from the team at Mike’s Hard Lemonade. It portrayed someone using a drink can as a miniature BBQ. The picture was faked, but I tried it in real life and this is what happened.

Special thanks to Mike’s Hard Lemonade for supporting these videos. For more #mikehacks go to to find a steady stream of genius to make your social events more awesome. And be sure to submit your #mikehacks at

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TotalBiscuit rounds up the best sales on Steam and gives recommendations.

00:31 Call of Duty: Ghosts
02:33 Age of Wonders III
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05:45 Torchlight II
07:59 Blackguards
09:27 Fallout: New Vegas
10:47 Murdered: Soul Suspect
12:11 Metro: Last Light
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Hearthstone Gimmick-a-thon 3000 with Hafu

TotalBiscuit and Hafu engage in the Gimmick-a-thon. Who has the best RNG and the most pay2win?

Check out Hafu’s channel:
Hafu’s stream:

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Salebox – Best Steam Deals – June 22nd, 2014

TotalBiscuit rounds up the best sales on Steam and gives recommendations.

01:03 BattleBlock Theater
02:09 Borderlands 2
03:49 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
05:41 Outlast
06:42 Planetary Annihilation
08:32 South Park: The Stick of Truth
10:12 The Wolf Among Us
11:31 Tomb Raider
12:55 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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Salebox – Best Steam Deals – June 21st, 2014

TotalBiscuit rounds up the best sales on Steam and gives recommendations.

01:01 Terraria
02:08 7 Days to Die
03:34 Skyrim
05:07 The Stanley Parable
06:24 Project Zomboid
07:59 Wasteland 2
09:03 Dragon Age: Origins
10:45 Age of Empires II HD
12:07 Contagion

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