
Santa Claus: Lost in Japan!


On his way to the Knock Knock English Christmas party, Santa Claus got lost in the neighborhood. Watch (and laugh along with our students) as Santa runs, jumps, eats, plays, swings, flirts and even rides a taxi on his way to our party!

We checked in on Santa’s progress throughout the party…here are all seven check-ins edited together.

Have your own “Santa Claus Is Coming!” Christmas party! Click here for a full party plan: http://supersimplelearning.com/christmas/party-ideas/santa-claus/

All songs from Super Simple Learning.

What Do You Want For Christmas?

Free flashcards and activity ideas for this song at http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/one/what-do-you-want-for-christmas/

Song = What Do You Want For Christmas?
Album = Super Simple Songs One

Knock Knock English Christmas Party – Tokyo – 2007

I See Something Blue

Use this simple song to learn and review colors. Then use the language from the song to play the I See Something… Game as you look around the classroom, at home, or in the car for more colors.

See the animated video for this song here: http://youtu.be/jYAWf8Y91hA

Flashcards and activity ideas for this song at http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/one/i-see-something-blue/

Buy the song on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J0DC1GE/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00J0DC1GE&linkCode=as2&tag=supesimplear-20
or iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/super-simple-songs-1/id867563744?uo=4&at=10l7wf

♫ Blue!
I see something blue.
I see something blue.
Blue, blue, blue, blue…
I see something blue.
Find something blue!
I see something yellow.
I see something yellow.
Yellow, yellow…
I see something yellow.
Find something yellow!
I see something red.
I see something red.
Red, red, red, red…
I see something red.
Find something red!
I see something purple.
I see something purple.
Purple, purple…
I see something purple.
Find something purple!
I see colors everywhere. ♫

Music: Super Simple Learning
Song: I See Something Blue
CD: Super Simple Songs – 1

We’re Super Social, too!
google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
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Knock Knock Hello – Teaching Tips

Get free Halloween flashcards, worksheets, coloring pages, and more in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center: http://supersimplelearning.com/resource-center/browse/product/super-simple-songs-halloween/

Get Halloween lesson plans and party ideas here: http://supersimplelearning.com/halloween/

Knock Knock English teachers and students singing “Knock Knock Hello” at our 2006 Halloween party in Tokyo.

Song: Knock Knock Hello – http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/one/knock-knock-hello/
Album: Super Simple Songs 1

Go Away! – Teaching Tips

Free Halloween flashcards, worksheets, coloring pages, and more in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center: http://supersimplelearning.com/resource-center/browse/product/super-simple-songs-halloween/

Halloween lesson plans and party ideas here: http://supersimplelearning.com/halloween/

Song = Go Away! – http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/one/go-away/
Album = Super Simple Songs 1

Knock Knock English teachers sing “Go Away!” with our students at our 2006 Halloween Party.

Uh-Huh! | Super Simple Songs

This is a simple song for teaching “yes” and “no” to young learners.
We’ve got an all new, high quality version of the Uh-Huh! song on the first Super Simple Songs DVD.
DVD: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsDVD_Amazon
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Uh-Huh_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsDVD_Amazon

For children who don’t speak English as their native language, “uh-huh” and “unh-unh” can be hard to pronounce correctly. This song introduces this informal but very common English in a super fun way. Watch the Super Fast version here: http://youtu.be/dRYSYAnQTuA

Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2006 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2006 Super Simple Learning®

Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^

We upload a new video every Wednesday! To make sure you get our latest, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/SSSYTsubscribe

If you like this video, check out the Super Simple Songs Playlist featuring dozens of easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn, super fun songs: http://youtu.be/yCjJyiqpAuU?list=PL02…

Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets for most of our songs in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:

Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, books, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/

“Where Can I Get Those Puppets?”
We got them from Lakeshore Learning: http://bit.ly/ahgSaL

♫ Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.

Song: Uh-Huh!
CD: Super Simple Songs 2
Music: Super Simple Learning

We’re Super Social, too!
Google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
Facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
Twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
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Instagram: http://instagram.com/supersimplelearning
Blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog

Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

“Uh-Huh!” by Super Simple Learning

Go Away! – Just for Fun!

New and improved version!: http://youtu.be/Ec1cz_jHQM8

This video is recommended for children 3 and up ^_^.

Use this simple song to tell scary things to GO AWAY!

Visit the Super Simple Learning Website (one of TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Websites of 2013) for songs, activity ideas, worksheets, flashcards, and more: http://supersimplelearning.com

Subscribe to the Super Simple Songs channel for a mix of classic kids songs (If You’re Happy, One Little Finger, Old McDonald, Rain Rain Go Away, Row Row Row Your Boat, Eensey Weensey Spider, Hickory Dickory Dock, etc.) and originals like “Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?” and “Counting Bananas” made SIMPLE for emerging speakers: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=supersimplesongs

Buy the CD on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J0DC1GE/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00J0DC1GE&linkCode=as2&tag=supesimplear-20
Or get the song on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/super-simple-songs-1/id867563744?uo=4&at=10l7wf

Song: Go Away!
CD: Super Simple Songs 1

We’re Super Social, too!
google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
pinterest: http://pinterest.com/simplesongs
blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog

Rock, Scissors, Paper – Teaching Tips

Rock, Scissors, Paper is a classic choosing game played around the world. We’ve turned this familiar activity into a fun and creative fingerplay song!

Get the song/CD on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J34Z13U/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00J34Z13U&linkCode=as2&tag=supesimplear-20
or iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/super-simple-songs-2/id867573391?uo=4&at=10l7wf

Get more song activity ideas here: http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/two/rock-scissors-paper-fingerplay-1/

♫ Rock, scissors, paper.
Rock, scissors, paper.
One, two, three.
Play with me.
Right hand PAPER!
Left hand PAPER!
It’s a butterfly!

Rock, scissors, paper.
Rock, scissors, paper.
One, two, three.
Play with me.
Right hand ROCK!
Left hand SCISSORS!
It’s a snail!

Rock, scissors, paper.
Rock, scissors, paper.
One, two, three.
Play with me.
Right hand SCISSORS!
Left hand SCISSORS!
It’s a crab!

Rock, scissors, paper.
Rock, scissors, paper.
One, two, three.
Play with me.
Right hand PAPER!
Left hand PAPER!
Oh no! It’s a lion!

Music: Super Simple Learning
Song: Rock Scissors Paper #1
CD: Super Simple Songs – 2

We’re Super Social, too!
google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
pinterest: http://pinterest.com/simplesongs
blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog

The Bath Song – Teaching Tips

Watch a brand new version of “The Bath Song” here: https://youtu.be/CG8F-6dZk8k

Tips on using “The Bath Song,” from the award-winning CD, “Super Simple Songs One.”
iTunes: http://bit.ly/TheBathSong_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs1_Amazon
Google Play: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs1_GooglePlay

Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2005 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2006 Super Simple Learning®

Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^

We upload a new video every Wednesday! To make sure you get our latest, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/SSSYTsubscribe

If you like this video, check out the Super Simple Songs Playlist featuring dozens of easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn, super fun songs: http://youtu.be/yCjJyiqpAuU?list=PL028565C616627F50

Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets for most of our songs in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:

Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, books, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/

Can you wash your hair?
I can wash my hair.
Can you wash your feet?
I can wash my feet.
Can you wash your face?
I can wash my face.
Can you wash your knees?
I can wash my knees.

I can wash my hair.
I can wash my feet.
I can wash my face.
I can wash my knees.
This is the way we take a bath.

Can you wash your shoulders?
I can wash my shoulders.
Can you wash your toes?
I can wash my toes.
Can you wash your hands?
I can wash my hands.
Can you wash your nose?
I can wash my nose.

I can wash my shoulders.
I can wash my toes.
I can wash my hands.
I can wash my nose.
This is the way we take a bath.

Song: The Bath Song
Album: Super Simple Songs 1
Music: Super Simple Learning

We’re Super Social, too!
Google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
Facebook: http://facebook.com/supersimplelearning
Twitter: http://twitter.com/simplesongs
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/simplesongs
Instagram: http://instagram.com/supersimplelearning
Blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog

Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

“The Bath Song” by Super Simple Learning