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After scratching the Hardlex on my lovely wee SNKL23, it sat in a drawer, unloved, for nearly 6 months. Now, it’s back! But the mod didn’t quite go as planned…… Good to note that Crystaltimes have now adjusted their website….. 😉
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Top 10 Comedy Movie Franchises
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These comedy film series have had us rolling in the aisles for years! From The Muppets, to The Pink Panther, to Monty Python, these comedy franchises kept the laughs going with each new installment. WatchMojo ranks the greatest comedy film franchises of all time.
Check out more comedic content here:
Top 10 Raunchy Comedies – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYRorn4Kn84
Top 10 Comedy Movies that Will Be Future Classics – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqNSrXd6vLE
Top 10 Stand-Up Comedy Specials of All Time – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFnncBfmA44
Check out the voting page for this list and add your picks:
Special thanks to our users mac121mr0, Akash Bhise, Moral Free, and 25billionaire for suggesting this idea!
List rank and entries:
#10. “Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy” (2004)
#9. “The Muppets” franchise (1979)
#8. “Austin Powers” franchise (1997)
#7. “Beverly Hills Cop” franchise (1984)
#6. “National Lampoon’s Vacation” franchise (1983)
#5. “Ghostbusters” franchise (1984)
#4. “Back to the Future” franchise (1985)
#3, #2, #1???
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After being “set free” by Raven, CM Punk & Julio DiNero set their sights on Raven’s old friend The Sandman in a 2-on-1 handicap match as a means of getting back at their former leader!
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