
Vibrant Gaseous Ribbons: The Veil Supernova Remnant

This 3-D visualization flies across a small portion of the Veil Nebula as photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. This region is a small part of a huge expanding remnant from a star that exploded many thousands of years ago. Hubble resolves tangled rope-like filaments of glowing gases. They have been shocked and heated by colliding with cooler, denser interstellar gas.

The 3-D model has been created for illustrative purposes and shows that the giant bubble of gas has a thin, rippled surface. It also highlights that the emission from different chemical elements arises from different layers of gas within the nebula. In the imagery, emission from Sulfur, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are shown in red, green, and blue, respectively.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, and L. Frattare (Viz 3D Team, STScI)

Acknowledgment: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

For more information, images, and videos: http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/29/

Strong and Steady: Behind the Webb (Episode 28)

Because the Webb Telescope will be launched into space and operate in an extremely cold environment, it needs to be built with materials that are both lightweight and stable. It needs to maintain its shape despite a range of temperatures. One of the science instruments on the telescope, NIRSPEC, or Near Infrared Spectrograph, is largely made from a ceramic known as silicon carbide. This episode of Behind the Webb takes us on a journey from the origins of this special material to how it’s incorporated into the next great space observatory.

Newly Discovered World is Most Like Jupiter

A team of astronomers, including half a dozen from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, have used the Gemini Observatory’s new Gemini Planet Imager to find the most solar system-like planet ever directly imaged around another star.

The planet, known as 51 Eridani b, is about two times the mass of Jupiter and orbits its host star at about 13 times the Earth-sun distance (equivalent to being between Saturn and Uranus in our solar system). The planet is located about 100 light-years away from Earth.

The Gemini data provide scientists with the strongest-ever spectroscopic detection of methane in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet, adding to its similarities to giant planets in our solar system.

Please join +Tony Darnell, Dr. +Carol Christian and +Scott Lewis as they discuss this planet discovery with Dr. Marshall Perrin and Dr. Laurent Pueyo of STScI.

Read more here:

#Space   #astronomy   #starbirth   #hubble     #cosmology   #exoplanets

استعراض أجهزة لينوفو اللوحية الجديدة

من قلب معرض IFA 2015 في برلين يقوم عبدالله الغفيص بإستعراض لنا جديد أجهزة لينوفو اللوحية في المانيا.

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#إستفساراتكم 08

في هذه الحلقة يقوم فيصل بالإجابة عن جميع الأسئلة المتعلفة بمؤتمر أبل الأخير و الإعلانات التي جرت هناك و إذا كانت لديكم المزيد من الأسئلة شاركونا في التعليقات الموجودة في الأسفل.

موقع آيفوني:

iPhone 6S و iPhone 6S Plus من قلب سانفرانسيسكو:

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استعراض ساعات Gear S2 من سامسونج

فيديو الإستعراض الأول لساعات Gear S2 من سامسونج يقدمه لنا عبدالله الغفيص @a_gafes وذلك ضمن تغطيتنا لمعرض IFA 2015 من برلين .

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قناتنا للترفيه والالعاب ومن تقديم احمد بن محفوظ @iAlkindi

للإعلان معنا و عرض المنتجات : info@TPProd.com

Hubble Discovers Vibrant Star Formation in the Heart of a Distant Galaxy Cluster

Hubble has peered into the distant reaches of the universe once again and uncovered clues about star formation within early galaxy clusters.

Please join +Tony Darnell, Dr. +Carol Christian and +Scott Lewis as they explore these unexpected findings and learn more about the behavior of massive clusters of galaxies.

Read more here:

#Space   #astronomy   #starbirth   #hubble   #galaxies   #cosmology

ايفون 6s و ايفون 6sPlus واجهزة ابل الجديدة من مؤتمر سان فرانسيسكو

كما عودناكم من قلب الحدث مراجعة لاهم اجهزة ابل الجديدة والايفون الجديد بنسختيه . ايضا الايباد برو بشاشة 12.9 انش وابل تي في وباقي ما تم اعلانه في مؤتمر ابل من سان فرانسيسكو

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قناة المؤتمرات والبرامج الخاصه تيك بيلز

قناتنا للترفيه والالعاب ومن تقديم احمد بن محفوظ @iAlkindi

للإعلان معنا و عرض المنتجات : info@TPProd.com