Autos & Vehicles

Last Day! at Adventure Off Road Park, TN – Part Five of Ultimate Adventure 2015!

Ahh, the last day of Ultimate Adventure 2015! After a successful day on the trails of Durhamtown Tellico in the mountains of Western North Carolina it was time to hit the road to more adventure. Our end point would be South Pittsburgh, Tennessee, but there was no chance that we would get there via the most direct route. Now, if you’ve been paying attention you might expect us to visit an off-road park along the way, or at the very least find some ferry that crosses a lake or river. You would be wrong. Instead somehow the fearless Péwé found a place where a few of us could drive a tank…yep you read that right a tank. Well, maybe it’s not a tank exactly, but hey an armored personnel carrier is pretty close. Did we mention it can be driven in deep water and over junked cars.

The adventure is about to come to an end for the group as a whole (although many of us have hundreds if not thousands of miles to travel to get home and more adventures await). This means that all the participants of yet another Ultimate Adventure made it to the end with only a few component fatalities. Course the action is not all over until the sun sets and Adventure Off Road Park near South Pittsburgh Tennessee would provide many a challenge for the experienced and soggy UA ’15 group. Our itinerary for the day would include slick orange clay, limestone rocks that seem to be able to bite, a BBQ lunch for all UAers, and more rocks and mud in an afternoon of dessert. While all rigs made it to the trail head of the last day not all would walk…or drive away unscathed. For more action, videos, pictures check out

Catch the entire week of 2015 Ultimate Adventure on the Motor Trend Channel November 16th through November 20th with a new video premiering each day!

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