
Top 5 New San Martin! AliExpress Sale!

1. SN0116 Tropical

2. SN0128

3. SN0118

4. SN0053

5. SN0116 Fruit

(The Small Print: Some of the above links are affiliate links. I am an AliExpress Associate. If you make a qualifying purchase, I am paid a small finder’s fee from the companies in question. You don’t pay any extra for the product. Thanks!)

They keep pumping them out! Almost faster than I can review them! Having said that, these are more just new colours than new models. But as the models were pretty good to begin with, that is no bad thing. I can’t go past the 116 variants, they are awesome. If you haven’t tried one yet then have a go, they really are excellent. Cheers, Jody

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