
تحدي السبعة ريال! – Gears of War 4

مشهور وعلي جربوا بيتا لعبة جيرز أوف وار 4, وتحدوا بعض بمبلغ اسطوري على من يقتل اكثر
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

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The Bubble Nebula: Winds & Radiation from a Massive Star

This visualization of the Bubble Nebula begins with a ground-based view that encompasses the glowing cloud. The high-energy light from the massive O star, BD +60°2522, is responsible for ionizing the entire region. The virtual camera flies through the foreground stars and approaches the central bubble imaged by Hubble. The massive star continuously sheds some of its outer layers in a mass-loss wind, which has blown a bubble of gas seven light-years across. The video’s three-dimensional perspective emphasizes the extended nature of the structure and the fact that BD +60°2522 is not located at the center. The pressure inside the bubble is able to expand more rapidly in the directions away from the surrounding nebula. The computer model incorporates both scientific and artistic interpretation of the data. In particular, distances are significantly compressed.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, and L. Frattare (Viz 3D Team, STScI)

Acknowledgment: T. Rector/University of Alaska Anchorage, H. Schweiker/WIYN and NOAO/AURA/NSF, NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

For more information and to download movie files and frames:

الجلد بجميع أنواعه! – Overwatch

مشهور يجرب الجلد في لعبة اوفرواتش بجميع انواعه واشكاله. لعبة رهيبة جداً! بتنزل في 2452016 (17 شعبان)

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حسابنا في انستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudigamer

لعبة تزيد حماس المباريات! – Ultimate Fan Live

مشهور وفهد التمساح وعبدالله (متابع للقناة) يتابعون مباراة برشلونة واتلتيكو مدريد بطريقه مختلفه شوي
رابط اللعبة هنا: https://ultfan.live/SaudiGamer

قناة فهد التمساح: https://www.youtube.com/user/IPlayAwayI

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موقعنا : http://saudigamer.com
حسابنا في تويتر: https://twitter.com/saudigamer
حسابنا في انستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudigamer

Caught in the act: Discovery of a supernova as it explodes

Scientists are using archival data to investigate a wide variety of astrophysical problems, and recently a supernova was found by researchers. Hear all about the discovery!

Please join Dr. Carol Christian, Tony Darnell, and Scott Lewis as they discuss with scientists the motivations, technology, and research on these types of objects.