
The Worst Of E3 2012

I don’t know if it was just me but that african american lady seemed extremely annoying and selfish during the conference. This key moment just shows it.

Computer Simulation of Star Being Devoured By Black Hole

This computer simulation shows a star being shredded by the gravity of a massive black hole. Some of the stellar debris falls into the black hole and some of it is ejected into space at high speeds. The areas in white are regions of highest density, with progressively redder colors corresponding to lower-density regions. The blue dot pinpoints the black hole’s location. The elapsed time corresponds to the amount of time it takes for a Sun-like star to be ripped apart by a black hole a million times more massive than the Sun.

Find out more at HubbleSite: http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2012/18/full/

Credit: NASA, S. Gezari (The Johns Hopkins University), and J. Guillochon (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Tonight’s Sky: May 2012

Backyard stargazers get a monthly guide to the northern hemisphere’s skywatching events with “Tonight’s Sky.” May brings us the Eta Aquarid meteor shower and a solar eclipse.

“Tonight’s Sky” is produced by HubbleSite.org, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a recurring show, and you can find more episodes — and other astronomy videos — at HubbleSite.org.

Visit Tonight’s Sky on HubbleSite.
