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Top Upcoming Movies of 2018 | Movieclips Trailers

Check out the hottest trailers for top upcoming 2018 movies! What movies are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments below.

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The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for hot new trailers the second they drop. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers team is here day and night to make sure all the hottest new movie trailers are available whenever, wherever you want them.

DON’T BUY Your KIDS These Terrible Games

YOUTUBE CHALLENGE – Give Your Kids A Terrible Present

This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Games Parents Should Buy To TROLL Their Kids.

What other gifts make for perfect troll moments? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Script by: Winston A. Marshall

Voice Over by: Winston A. Marshall

Edited by: Winston A. Marshall

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Evolution of Video Games In 3 Minutes Or Less (1940-2018)

VIDEO GAMES EVOLUTION – IN THE BEGINNING… THERE WAS ONLY THE NIMATRON. We have come a long way from Pong and the early days of video game graphics.

This is TheGamer’s Evolution of Video Games In 3 Minutes Or Less (1940-2017).

What do you think comes next? Let us know in the comments section below!


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In the beginning… There was only the Nimatron.

The first video game ever debuted at the New York World’s Fair in 1940. Edward Condon, a nuclear physicist, presented an electromechanical machine called the Nimatron, which was designed to play the ancient mathematical strategy game of Nim. The objective of the game was to try and force your opponent to take the last matchstick from a pile in front of you. Unfortunately, the computer was so good it won 90% of the time, but on the rare occasions it did lose, it would present players with a token coin so they could let all of their friends know they were a Nim Champion.

So what will the future hold? With companies like Facebook investing in the Oculus Rift to develop virtual reality content, combined with the recent advances in AI and voice recognition software, the potential is there for a true interactive 3D world, with self-generating content that would allow gamer’s to further immerse themselves in an entirely digital landscape. The question becomes, what happens when the digital world is better than reality?


Script by: John Titley

Voice Over by: John Titley

Edited by: John Titley

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WORST GAMES OF 2017 – 2017 Games That Belong In Your TRASH CAN

2017 WAS THE YEAR OF GAMING: New consoles, Mario back to form and a great gaming community has led to an awesome year…but there were many fails along the way. Some games were busts, developers made huge mistakes and some big businesses like Gamestop made some terrible decisions.

This is TheGamer’s list of the 10 biggest video game fails of 2017. What do you think was the biggest fail of 2017? Let us know in the comments section below!


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2017 will go down as a marque year for video games. The release of the Nintendo Switch, PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were all huge events. Fans got to enjoy all kinds of great releases, relive nostalgic moments and celebrate the best of gaming. Despite all these positives, there were some pitfalls along the way. Let’s dive deep into the biggest video game fails of 2017!

Star Wars Battlefront II was a game years in the making, but once the beta version was released, fans quickly became annoyed. The game was based around grinding out achievements or spending a ton of money on loot crates. Sonic Mania was a big hit on multiple platforms, but Sonic Forces was a huge disappointment in the lacking franchise. Gamestop tried to revive their business with a new rental system and things looked promising until it abruptly ended. Red Dead Redemption is more than 7 years in the making, but fans were forced to wait even longer when the game was pushed until 2018. WWE 2K18 featured a huge roster and the ability to wrestle with 8 Superstars in the ring, but the Switch port of the game is a huge disappointment filled with all types of glitches. Marvel Heroes is the ultimate way to play with the X-Men, the Avengers and other superheroes online. It’s just too bad the whole thing is getting shut down. Watch the 10 Biggest video game fails of 2017 to see all of these fails and a lot more!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Kyle Mirzaian

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10 Games NO KID Would Want To Receive On Their Birthday

Parents just don’t understand. The Gamer knows they certainly try, but sometimes they end up gifting the wrong video games! We’re here to help with a list of games you definitely shouldn’t buy!

This is The Gamers list of 10 Games No Kid Would Want to Receive On Their Birthday.

Whats the worst game you’ve ever played?
Have you ever been gifted a bad video game?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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We’ve all been there. It’s your birthday and you’ve been dropping hints to everyone who will listen. You think you’re going to end up with the hottest game of the year, but somehow your parents fudged it up and bought some random Call of Duty knock off or, worse yet, some game you’ve never even heard of. Checking the Steam reviews usually leaves you in tears; that’s how bad that unknown game is. The Gamer promises that they meant well. They usually just don’t know any better.

Can you blame them though? Nowadays, there are so many ways to play games from all the various consoles to anything and everything on Steam. Back when your parents were gaming, they had to play the original Grand Theft Auto with bird’s eye view. That’s like walking 10 miles in the snow to school, both ways, and uphill. So don’t be so hard on them that they stop trying. At least they attempted to understand what’s trending even though they still think PewDiePie is a new dessert.

The Gamer made a list of games that they definitely shouldn’t buy you for your birthday. We know that they hear things like “simulator” and “streaming” and tend to get caught up on those words. We made sure to point out that these types of games are not what you’re looking for. Hopefully, this helps and you find the game of your dreams, wrapped up, and waiting for you next to your birthday cake. Please remember, The Gamer is not responsible for your parents’ bad choices. We tried. We really did.


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Valerie M

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We talked about Nintendo MISTAKES AND FAILS, so we thought we gotta talk about XBOX and PLAYSTATION as well!

This is TheGamer’s compilation of the 20 XBOX and PLAYSTATION Biggest MISTAKES And FAILS.

What do you think was the biggest fail? Let us know in the comments section below!


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