
Strict Rules Joaquin Phoenix Had To Follow To Become The Joker

How Joaquin Phoenix transformed into the joker for his new movie.
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Welcome ScreenRanters! Come and hang out with us, your fav digital chums. The Joker film was recently released to the masses. And boy, has it gone over well! While the critics are a little…scattered on their opinion. The film viewing audience has lapped up the DC masterpiece. Today, for all of you that love the film, we created a fun behind the scenes clip. All about how actor Joaquin Phoenix prepared for the iconic role as Arthur Fleck. On top of that, we’re also going to take a gander on the inspiration that motivated the director, Todd Phillips.
But what can you expect from the video? Life fulfilment! We’re going to touch on ten elements that went into the Warner Brothers film. One of the elements it going to be the weight loss that Phoenix had to undergo for the role. We’re also going to see if the comics had an effect on the film or not. Phoenix also had some issues with his mind due to this part. We’re going to see what caused this as well as take a look at how his mockumentary, I’m Still Here, fits into all this. As well as see what role Martin Scorsese had on the film’s creation. Hint, his film library. But that’s not all! We have many more entries of fun, Clown Prince themed trivia to show off to all your friends. You’re welcome. So, go and watch now and have your noggin mildly pleased!



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Rick And Morty Season 4: All The Old And New Characters Confirmed For The New Season

This is everything we know so far for Rick and Morty’s 4th season.
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There might not be any other show out there with a dedicated fan base quite like Rick and Morty. And after a two and a half year wait between seasons three and four, excitement is at an all time high for the upcoming newest season! With a brand new trailer and a whole bunch of rumours flying around, we thought we’d take a look at just what we know about the upcoming season of Rick and Morty.
What we know for sure is that we will never have to wait quite as long between seasons ever again. Dan Harmon said that they knew the wait was too long, but they were locked in a lengthy contract negotiation with Adult Swim that pushed back their production schedule. But now we know that the result of that negotiation led to the network picking up seventy new Rick and Morty episodes, so it was all worth the wait. Along with that, Harmon confirmed that they have already begun writing season five, even as they are finishing season four! So once the ball gets rolling, it won’t be stopping any time soon.
In all of these new episodes, the show will be more like it was in season three, in that things will change from episode to episode like any other serialized drama, instead of resetting at the end as cartoons are known to do.
Also, we’ll see the return of some of our old favourites, like Mr Poopybutthole and Mr Meeseeks, among others. All of that, plus a handful of amazing guest stars might just make this the most exciting season of Rick and Morty ever.

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How Spider-Man Can Exist In Both The MCU And The Sony Universe

How Spider-Man Will Be Part Of the Marvel timeline and Sony’s Villains Universe.
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Spider-Man may be sticking around in the MCU for one more solo film and one more team-up, but that may not be a permanent situation.

As we all know, Sony has its own Marvel-based universe, the Sony Universe of Marvel Characters, or Sony’s Marvel Universe.

Or SMU. SMMMMUUUU. That’s fun to say. Smuuuuuu. Heh.

Anyways, this SMU is based largely upon Spider-Man-related characters, such as perhaps the most popular and memorable of his villains, Venom.

So of course, Sony wants to find a way to combine their SMU with the highly successful and wildly popular Spider-Man series they’ve got going on now.

Impossible! You might be thinking, Spider-Man is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that is not connected to the SMU!

Well, dear viewer, what if I told you, there was a way that Spider-Man may join the SMU, and I mean, this version of Spider-Man, the Tom Holland Spider-Man.

Keep on watching and we will take a look at how a mystical web connecting different worlds across the multiverse would allow this to happen, and how Into the Spider-Verse may have predicted the future of the MCU’s Peter Parker.

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The Tragic Real Life Of Joaquin Phoenix

A look inside the life of Joker actor Joaquin Phoenix.
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Joaquin Phoenix is one of today’s finest actors. He’s done so much in his career, working in giant blockbusters like Ridley Scott’s 2000 film ‘Gladiator’ and M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Signs.’ But he’s also do smaller, indie projects too. Films such as Spike Jonze’s ‘Her’ or Lynne Ramsay’s ‘You Were Never Really Here.’ Now he’s taking on what is his biggest role yet in Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker.’

No matter the role, Phoenix has proven himself to be extremely versatile and unquestionably a major talent. But what’s most fascinating is when you take a look at his past and realize exactly what he’s gone through to get to this point in his career. His upbringing was riddled with difficulties. He and his family never had any money and were raised in a creepy cult known as the Children of God.

Once Phoenix’s parents realized just how awful the cult was, they made their escape and headed back to the United States. It was here that they finally started to see the tables turn. Phoenix’s oldest brother River started getting more acting gigs and even Phoenix himself had some moderate success. Tragedy was still waiting around the corner though.

Through losing family members and personal struggles with addiction, Phoenix has remained strong. He’s continued to perform, channeling his experiences into his work. It’s incredible to think of everything he’s gone through and just how much it’s informed his career. Let’s take a look through it all and find out just how much it has.

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Why Coraline Is So Creepy

Halloween season is here so let’s talk about one of our favorite scary movies.
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Coraline might technically be a ‘kids movie,’ but that doesn’t make it any less scary. The stop-motion animated flick was inspired by Neil Gaiman’s 2002 book of the same name. Up to that point in his career, Gaiman had made a habit of treading in the realm of horror and fantasy. His work geared specifically towards adults, but Coraline was his first attempt to craft something with a younger audience in mind.

Despite his younger target audience, Gaiman didn’t shy away from some truly horrifying subject matter. That subject matter was expertly captured by filmmaker Henry Selick. Selick was actually Gaiman’s first choice to direct the film, as he’d been a fan of Selick’s other works: ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ and ‘James and the Giant Peach.’

Selick’s style doesn’t shy away from its creepier tendencies – a perfect fit for Gaiman’s novel. Anyone who’s seen one of his films can attest to that. His stop motion animation is simultaneously charming and unsettling. His character models are slightly exaggerated and his monsters are the stuff of genuine nightmares. It’s also in the way his scenes are lit. It’s not bright or chipper. There are shadows and dynamic lighting to emphasize just how unsettling the film’s subject matter is.

Beyond the disturbing visuals, it’s the subject matter itself. Coraline’s genuine fear for her life, the fear that her ‘Other Mother’ will sew buttons onto her eyes. There’s some heavy stuff here that’s sure to give kids nightmares. Let’s take a closer look to determine why Coraline is so effective in its creepiness.

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