عالم الانترنت

Let’s Play ORGAN TRAIL (Co-Optitude w/ Ryon and Felicia Day)

Ryon and Felicia Day take all their skills learned on an Apple II in elementary school to fight off zombies in Organ Trail, on this week’s Co-Optitude!

Co-Optitude used to be about playing all the retro games they were never allowed to play as kids, but now they’ve played them all, it’s time to play indies and new games.

For more on video games we love, check out http://bit.ly/GS_VideoGames

Pick up Organ Trail for Steam here: http://bit.ly/CoOp_OrganTrail

What game should they play next? Leave your pick in the comments! And, don’t forget to Share, Like and Subscribe!

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الآنسة دجاجة لها ريش أحمر قاني، وجميل، ولكنه لا يعجها، وترغب بجعله ملون!!! يا ترى ماذا ستفعل؟

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