عالم الانترنت

Time-Lapse: Watch ‘Snowzilla’ Belt D.C. in 60 Seconds

Watch as “Snowzilla,” aka winter storm Jonas, pounds Washington, D.C. The district’s Federal Triangle area is shown, with the Washington Monument visible in the right-hand corner. Shot from inside the Newseum on Pennsylvania Avenue, the video spans 48 hours, but takes just 60 seconds to watch.

VIDEOGRAPHER: Gabriella Garcia-Pardo
EDITOR: Nick Lunn

TIL: This Wasp Turns Prey Into Zombies

If you see a cockroach scurry through your kitchen, your first reaction might be: “Arghh! A cockroach! Quick! Squish it with John Grisham!” But wait! You don’t need to sully your favorite legal caper. Instead, fetch a jewel wasp to do your bidding. These brutal parasites rob a cockroach of its free will before inflicting a slow and horrific death.

The attack begins with a quick sting to the cockroach’s body, temporarily paralyzing its front legs. Next, the jewel wasp uses its stinger to stab the roach in the head, feeling around for a specific part of the ill-fated insect’s brain. The venom the wasp injects blocks the roach’s octopamine receptors, stealing its ability to make independent decisions.

All this stinging makes our roach assassin famished, so she rips off the palmetto bug’s antennae and enjoys a drink of blood. The rejuvenated wasp then guides the zombified roach back to its burrow, where she lays an egg on her new playmate.

In about three days the newly hatched larva will chew its way into the still very much alive cockroach’s abdomen, where it will feed on the roach’s organs. Shrewdly saving the nervous system for last, the wasp baby ensures its babysitter-turned-breakfast stays alive and juicy for as long as possible. Feeling sick to your stomach yet?

Now that the baby parasite has provided the most miserable death imaginable, it will haunt the roach’s carcass until fully mature, when it will spring forth in search of another cockroach friend. Yikes! On second thought, stomp on that roach; you’re probably doing it a favor.

In this week’s Today I Learned, Natural History photographer and National Geographic grantee Anand Varma shares some beautiful footage of this ghastly but amazing reproduction behavior.

More about Anand:

EDITOR: Laurence Alexander
SERIES PRODUCERS: Chris Mattle and Jennifer Shoemaker
GRAPHICS: Chris Mattle

أنيس وبدر مرحباً: أين ذهبت شطيرة أنيس؟

أعد أنيس شطائر الديك الرومي الشهية ليتناولها مع صديقه المفضل بدر!! ولكن يبدو ان شخصاً آخر استمتع بتناولها مع أنيس…يا ترى من الذي تناول الشطيرة؟!!

تابعونَا على مواقعَ التَّواصلِ الاجتماعيِّ، لتَعرفوا كلَّ ما هوَ جديدٌ، وممتعٌ، ومفيدٌ مِنِ (افتحْ يا سمسم)


بركات العسيري – هدية الملكة #الكوميدي_كلوب

الملابس التي يرتديها بركات العسيري مقدمة من فرانلكين اند مارشال.

لا تنسى التواصل معنا عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لتعرف موعد تجارب الأداء القادمة
أو اتصل بنا: 0540902020

Beautiful Scenes From the Snowstorm in Washington, D.C.

Spanning nearly a thousand miles, the snowstorm that hit the East Coast of the U.S. this past weekend left record snowfall in many places. For Washington, D.C., almost two feet of snow fell. In the midst of the storm, some residents explored the city—this video captures moments when normally bustling streets are turned into quiet winter wonderlands.

VIDEOGRAPHER / EDITOR: Gabriella Garcia-Pardo
MUSIC: “Muted Glow” by Brian Wayy

“Meru”: Risk and Responsibility in Climbing – Nat Geo Live

World-renowned climber Jimmy Chin and filmmaker Elizabeth “Chai” Vasarhelyi talk about making Meru, a documentary about Chin, Conrad Anker, and Renan Ozturk’s attempt to make the first successful ascent of the Shark’s Fin on Mount Meru—a climb that has thwarted every previous summit attempt by the world’s most elite climbers.

In making the documentary, Chin was passionate about revealing the friendships and mentorship within the climbing community, an aspect not typically depicted in climbing films. Chin and Vasarhelyi also discuss how risk-taking was a pervasive theme in the film—finding balance between risking too much and too little and how responsibilities to yourself and others impact decisions on the mountain.

Read more about Meru, the film: http://www.merufilm.com/

Upcoming Events at National Geographic Live: http://events.nationalgeographic.com/events/

The National Geographic Live series brings thought-provoking presentations by today’s leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to you. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C. New clips air every Monday.