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Does DESTINY Live Up to the Hype? – Nerdist Play w/ Malik Forté ft. Jessica Chobot

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Bungie’s highly-anticipated game DESTINY came out last week, but does it live up to the (extremely) large hype? Which type of gamer is it best fit for? Malik and Jessica Chobot talk it out on this week’s Nerdist Play.

Are YOU liking Destiny so far? Why or why not? Tell us in the comments.

Watch more Nerdist Play:

Follow Malik: https://twitter.com/Malik4Play
Follow Jessica: https://twitter.com/JessicaChobot
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Nerdist Play every Tuesday.

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Fir4sGamer Modded SinglePlayer S4 #34 ★ #سنقل_بلير_مودات

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الحلقة رقم 33 بعنوان عالم الكريستال

الحلقة رقم 32 بعنوان لعبة اللكي بلوك

شكرا لكلكي على المشاهدة
ولا تنسون تقيم المقطع بلايك و مفضلة وتنشرونه
وتشتركون في قناتي اذا ما كنت مشترك

Modded Single Player
كريزي كرافت
سنقل بلير مودات

Will MICROSOFT Ruin MINECRAFT?! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

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Watch the last episode: http://nerdi.st/1tXGh0Y
Microsoft buys Minecraft makers Mojang for BILLIONS of dollars, but what does this mean for the future of both companies? What motivated Microsoft to spend that kinda moolah on Mojang?! Find out on Nerdist News with Jessica Chobot.

Thoughts on the acquisition? Tell us in the comments!

More Microsoft: https://www.nerdist.com/tag/microsoft/

More Minecraft: https://www.nerdist.com/tag/minecraft/

Watch more Nerdist News:

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Nerdist News https://twitter.com/NerdistNews
Nerdist.com https://twitter.com/NerdistDotCom
Jessica Chobot https://twitter.com/JessicaChobot
Dan Casey https://twitter.com/osteoferocious
Malik Forté https://twitter.com/Malik4Play
Kyle Hill https://twitter.com/sci_phile

Nerdist News 5 days a week, Monday through Friday.


خمسة ألعاب الأندرويد جميلة عليك تجربتها لهذا الأسبوع

㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【 إشترك يا حلو】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

رابط تحميل جميع هذه الألعاب تجده في هذه الصفحة


لا تنسى زيارتنا على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك


㋡═☞- ㋡═☞- ㋡═☞ 【huhu】【1981】【ful2】 ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡ ☜═㋡

Shadow Of Mordor – Live Action (OFFICIAL)

Krimp the Orc is about to have a very bad day. Like, Wraith bad.

Based on the awesome game “Shadow of Mordor”, check it out! http://bit.ly/1up5R1s

Check out the BTS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeioYUIlAqI

Facebook: http://fb.com/CorridorDigital
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CorridorDigital
Shirts: http://www.corridor-digital.com

Thanks to our amazing cast and crew.

Directed & Written by Sam Gorski and Niko Pueringer

Produced by Jake Watson

Music by Casey Edwards

Billy Bussey

Clinton Jones

Xin Sarith Wuku

Jared Degado

Robert Dill

Jake Watson

Adam Lyons, Alex Barbatsis, Jon Enge

and Matthew Mercer (Voice of Goroth, Talion)

Fight Choreographer & Stunt Coordinator: Luke LaFontaine
Add’t Weapons: Dave Baker

Costumes Design: Jon Enge
Talion Costume: Kristen Carr
Add’t Costume: Brad Rothwell of Dirty Moose Designs

Key Makeup: Trista Metz
Makeup: Thirati K, Lily Von Isenberg
Add’t Makeup: Scott Ramp and Scream Team (www.screamteam.com)

Assistant Camera: Wren Weichman
BTS Camera: Adam Lyons

Associate Producer: Adam Lyons
Production Assistants: David Carmichael, Alex Barbatsis, Eddie King, Brooke Shedd

Add’t Casting: Sax Carr

Aerial cinematography by Cinechopper (www.cinechopper.com)
Thanks Aaron Sorensen and Chris Newman!

Score: Casey Edwards

Sound Design: Kevin Senzaki

Visual Effects: Sam Gorski, Niko Pueringer, Wren Weichman, Jon Enge, Kevin Commerford

Behind-The-Scenes: Brooke Shedd, Jon Enge

Special Thanks: Ricky Ray Butler & Plaid Social Labs, Community of Provo, UT

The video is sponsored by WB Games.

Fir4sGamer Modded SinglePlayer S4 #33 ★ #سنقل_بلير_مودات

تابعني على ..
● انستقرام :
● تويتر
●قناة الالعاب حقتي :

الحلقة رقم 32 بعنوان لعبة اللكي بلوك

الحلقة رقم 31 بعنوان اول تعويذه سحرية

شكرا لكلكي على المشاهدة
ولا تنسون تقيم المقطع بلايك و مفضلة وتنشرونه
وتشتركون في قناتي اذا ما كنت مشترك

Modded Single Player
كريزي كرافت
سنقل بلير مودات