With the Supreme Court preparing to vote on same-sex marriage, Jessica Williams speaks with lingering marriage equality protesters as they Continue reading
Sofia Vergara on Getting Pulled Over
She told Ellen about her experience with being stopped for speeding, plus Ellen had a special bachelorette celebration for her!
Melissa Rivers Gives Jimmy a Joan Rivers Joke Card
Melissa Rivers shares Joan Rivers’ old report cards featured in Melissa’s memoir, The Book of Joan, and gifts Jimmy one Continue reading
أغلى 10 أجهزة إلكترونية في العالم
لربما تعتقد أنك تمتلك جهازاً إلكترونياً غالي الثمين، وتعتقد أنك قد دفعت ثروة مقابل هذا الجهاز، ولكن اذا ألقيت نظرة Continue reading
Jack Black's Son Racked Up a $3K App Bill
Jack Black talks to Jimmy about life with his two sons, including occasionally getting attacked in his wallet and genitals.
Continue reading
Screengrabs: Portable Bidet, Jimmy's Thor Look-alike
Jimmy asks Tonight Show fans to send in screenshots found on the Internet and shares some of his favorite submissions, Continue reading
The Unluckiest Man on Earth
We tell the tale of the unluckiest man on earth. GMM #678!
Get GMM a day early by signing up Continue reading
أعنف مشاجرة في تاريخ كرة قدم بين جمهور فريقين
شهدت ملاعب البرازيل أعنف مشاجرة في تاريخ كرة القدم، وذلك بعد فوز فريق فورتاليزا بلقب مقاطعة سيارينزي.
وتعادل فورتاليزا مع Continue reading
Annoying British Correspondent Reports on the Second Royal Baby
The Tonight Show’s Annoying British Correspondent, Nigel Duffy, reports on the arrival of the fourth in line to the royal Continue reading