People & Blogs

This Rugged Work Phone Is Perfect For Vacation Too

It’s the Fourth of July weekend as this video hits the ‘tube, which means you should be thinking about hot dogs, fireworks and bathing suits – not worry about getting water on your smartphone (or answering the latest Slack message from your boss). So to commemorate this Independence Day, I took a page out of my college-era playbook … and stuck my SIM in a dumbphone. The Kyocera DuraXE is a mil-spec, water-resistant clamshell with some fancy frills like LTE and Mobile Hotspot – but its best attribute might just be its *lack* of features. Join Michael Fisher for a quick beachside Kyocera DuraXE review!... Read More | Share it now!

Samsung Galaxy S7: The Best Android Phone You Can Buy [Summer 2016]

Claiming anything to be “the best” in a field as subjective as smartphones is asking for trouble, especially in a year of great Android phone releases. But I’ve carried the Samsung Galaxy S7, on and off, for the past 90 days … and when people ask me which is the best Android phone out there … it’s the Samsung Galaxy S7 that I point to. Join me for MrMobile’s long-overdue Galaxy S7 review – and let me know what smartphone works the best for you: sound off in the comments below! (Just keep it clean, you guys; we’re all friends here.)... Read More | Share it now!

Tesla Model 3: The Model S/X Test Drive That Sold Me On The Hype

The Tesla Model 3. Despite having zero interest in cars and living in a city with abundant public transit (and abundant traffic jams), I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be a part of a transportation revolution. A few months ago I ordered the Tesla Model 3 alongside about 400,000 other people, and it should be rolling up to my doorstep sometime late in 2018. It will be my very first electric car.... Read More | Share it now!

Bluetooth Star Trek Communicator Review: A Trekkie’s Dream Come True

Star Trek has brought us some of the coolest gadgets seen on TV – the most iconic of which is the Communicator. Various toy replicas have cropped up over the years to let every kid play Captain Kirk, but it took Star Trek’s 50th anniversary (and a company obsessed with detail) to bring a working Communicator to the mainstream. Join MrMobile, a.k.a. Michael Fisher, for an in-depth review of the brand-new Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator by The Wand Company!... Read More | Share it now!