People & Blogs

The Best Gadget Bag [Is Sometimes No Bag At All]

Last week, I took you on a tour of MrMobile’s Everyday Carry … but I failed to mention how I tote all that tech around town. So what’s the best gadget bag for packing all that loot? Well, sometimes -and especially in the summer- the best gadget bag is no bag at all. I put together a four-piece summer ensemble from SCOTTeVEST, the pocket-obsessed clothier, and tried my best to go sans-bag for a whole week. Join MrMobile to see how that experiment went down.... Read More | Share it now!

This Is Pokemon Go

Before yesterday, the sum total of my Pokemon knowledge was a handful of memes from a decade ago. But as I recently discovered, you don’t need to know much about the classic games, cartoons and comic books to enjoy the new title that’s dominating headlines this week, Pokemon Go. Because Pokemon Go isn’t just a game; it’s augmented reality as it was meant to be. And it’s an awful lot of fun. I’m Michael Fisher and I’ve caught a lot of Pokemon over the past 24 hours – LET ME SHOW YOU THEM!... Read More | Share it now!

What’s In Michael Fisher’s Bag?

Over the short time since MrMobile flashed into existence, the most often-asked questions in the comment section have been: “where do you get your music,” “what game are you playing at so-and-so timestamp,” and “what technology do you carry on a daily basis.” The answers to the first two questions are the same (check the description!) so I thought I’d finally put some effort into answering the last one with this video: Michael Fisher’s Every Day Carry.... Read More | Share it now!