People & Blogs

Chevy Volt 2017 Review: An Electric Car With A Gas Assistant

The Chevy Volt is unlike any car I’ve ever driven. For the first 50 miles it’s an all-electric sedan with zero tailpipe emissions that you can recharge at home. Once the battery runs dry, though, the Volt keeps going on a four-cylinder gas generator that takes you the rest of the car’s 420-mile range. So the Volt 2017 (which is nearly identical to the Volt 2016) exists somewhere between yesterday’s world of internal combustion engines and tomorrow’s world of full electrics – and whether you call that an E-REV or a PHEV, it’s a pretty exciting place to be. Hop behind the wheel with Michael Fisher for MrMobile’s Chevy Volt 2017 Review!... Read More | Share it now!

تحدي اكل مصاصة اصبعة قدم الشيطان الأكثر حرارة بالعالم 9 مليون بمقياس الحرارة |التحدي الأكبر|

معلومات عن مصاصة الاكثر حرارة بالعالم:
مصاصة اصبعة الشيطان تحتوي على مقياس ٩ مليون
بمعنى اكثر حرارة من اكثر فلفل حار بالعالم التي تحتوي على ٢.٢ مليون بالمقياس
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Remember The Taco Phone?

In 2003, Nokia declared war on Nintendo with the N-Gage, a Game Boy Advance lookalike with a Series 60 mobile phone inside. The conflict – to put it mildly – did not go in Nokia’s favor. With a cumbersome design that required the owner to remove the battery in order to change games, the N-Gage wasn’t exactly user-friendly, and with only a handful of available titles to the Game Boy Advance’s 1,200, the N-Gage ecosystem hardly justified the device’s $299 asking price. Worse still: the phone’s earpiece was mounted on its spine, making for a bizarre look and feel when it came to voice calls and leading to the unfortunate nickname “Taco Phone.”... Read More | Share it now!

iPhone 7 Review: Beyond The Boring

For another year running, the new iPhone is a lot like the old iPhone. In looks, in functionality, in its very essence, the iPhone 7 is a device of old ideas, repackaged: the water resistance, the little conveniences, even the assassination of the noble headphone jack … none of it is truly *new* to the smartphone world. But Apple (as always) is less about novelty than about presenting existing technology in a new and interesting way. The iPhone 7 lives up to that legacy — but you need to be able to see beyond the boring bits to realize it. Join Michael Fisher for MrMobile’s iPhone 7 review, and stay tuned for the iPhone 7 Plus review coming soon! ... Read More | Share it now!