People & Blogs

Be Prepared: How To Stay Connected In A Storm

“Be prepared.” It’s good advice for the Boy Scouts, and it’s good advice for those who use mobile technology. We were just hit by a nasty snow storm up here in Boston, and as I sat at home basking in the luxury of a surprise snow day, I saw lots of updates from friends who’d lost power in the nor’easter. It got me thinking: what kind of blizzard tech prep should everyone be prepared for when a big one’s on the horizon? From charging batteries to downloading documents, these are the five biggest tips I’ve picked up over years of losing my lights to snowstorms.... Read More | Share it now!

Google Pixel C Review Re-Do [2017]

The Google Pixel C has been reviewed, re-reviewed, and reviewed again. So why go back to the well once more? Because the Google Pixel C is still the best Android tablet there is – at least, for me. Fifteen months after I bought the Pixel C, I’m still in love with its industrial design and unique magnetic keyboard, and I still default to the Pixel C every time I want to leave the house without the bulk of my MacBook Pro. But for $599 plus $149 for the keyboard, is it really worth it? The answer … is no. Actually, it’s “HELL no.” But if you can find a Pixel C on sale, as has been known to happen, I think you’re gonna have a great time. Join me for MrMobile’s Pixel C Review Re-Do for 2017!... Read More | Share it now!

How To Make Your Tablet A Laptop

As portable as laptops are getting these days, tablets are still the smaller sidekicks for your mobile endeavors – and they pack better battery life to boot. In this video, MrMobile shows you what accessories and apps you need to use your tablet as a laptop (provided you don’t need to do much heavy lifting). ... Read More | Share it now!