These deleted Pokemon scenes were only aired in Japan! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:
Pokemon caused a huge sensation when it crossed the seas from Japan to America, and has never slowed down since! From cards to games to movies and TV series, Pokemon has cemented itself as one of the most beloved cartoon franchises of all time. But sometimes, the version we see here in North America is actually really different from the Japanese original. With scenes that are cut, characters who are changed, and costumes that are adjusted, nothing got past the censors and American networks! Things like a couple of inflatable balloons in a bikini in the episode Beauty and the Beach that was left on the editing room floor, or an adjusted scene featuring Meowth, Cyndaquil, and a life-saving Miltank! There was a creepy moment between the Kangaskhan Kid and Misty that didn’t make it to air, a few inches of skirt that were added to a character in the Gold and Silver game, the episode The Legend of Dratini had a ton of guns being pointed at kids so that changed, a match replaced with a birthday candle for some weird reason, the unsettling design of the original Grimer card that had to be changed before it could be released, and some seriously messed up moments relating to World War II that were understandably uncomfortable. In the episode Critical Situation! Bakuong Vs Juptile, a wine glass was changed as to not encourage drinking, and an episode called Tower of Terror was taken off air completely after a national tragedy. All these moments and so many more are in the video below, so take a look!
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