Cell Tower In A Suitcase: How Sonim’s “Rapid Deployment Kit” Saves Lives

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Cell towers. Over the last thirty years they’ve become so commonplace that you probably don’t even notice them anymore – but without them, your smartphone would be nothing but a WiFi tablet. In past videos I’ve shown you how cell sites can be hidden in plain sight in places like church steeples, or built to withstand the worst weather in North America at the top of a mountain. Today, I’m gonna show you how a cell tower can be packed into a suitcase … and how doing so can help save lives.

Join me for another MrMobile “hands-on” (that’s really more of a trunkload)
as I take the Sonim Rapid Deployment Kit-3 out to the end of Long Island in search of cellular coverage thin enough to justify using a satellite 22,500 miles away. The RDK3 is a cell site in a suitcase, and today’s video is all about how it joins forces with a BGAN from Cobham and service from AT&T FirstNet to keep first responders connected in the worst of times.




MrMobile’s Cell Tower In A Suitcase / Rapid Deployment Kit Hands-On was produced following several days with a Sonim RDK-3, Cobham Explorer 710 BGAN and Inmarsat service provided by AT&T FirstNet / Sonim / Inmarsat Government. Production devices running production software.

MrMobile does not produce paid or sponsored reviews; no compensation was provided and no manufacturer or carrier was afforded a preview or copy approval rights concerning this content. The lone sponsor of this video is SurfShark.

Special thanks to David Cogen and David Imel.


AT&T FirstNet:

Sonim Rapid Deployment Kit RDK-3:

Sonim XP8:

Sonim XP8

FirstNet Authority:

Inmarsat: About Our Satellites:

Cobham Explorer 710 Info [PDF]:

Cobham Explorer 710 [Satellite Phone Store]:

All 50 states vote yes on AT&T’s $40 billion emergency response network FirstNet:

All 50 states vote yes on AT&T’s $40 billion emergency response network FirstNet

FirstNet Launches Ruthless Preemption for First Responders:

Boston Marathon Explosions [ABC News]:

Boston Marathon Bombing Aftermath: Cellphone Use Heavy and Operating





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Additional information concerning MrMobile’s ethics policy can be found here: https://mrmobile.tech/ethics

#firstnet #att #disaster #rdk #rdk3 #sonim #inmarsat #cobham #rapiddeploymentkit

Top 10 Funniest Chris Rock SNL Sketches

SNL couldn’t have picked a better host to kick off its new season. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most memorable single or recurring “SNL” skits, as well as monologues, that showcase this legend’s talents. Our countdown includes sketches such as I’m Chillin’, Dance Vlog, The Arguing Couple and more!

What’s your favorite Chris Rock “SNL” sketch? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great SNL videos here:
Top 10 Saturday Night Live Sketches That Went Wrong: https://youtu.be/9Z6XcvrnMlw
Top 10 Worst Saturday Night Live Hosts: https://youtu.be/M_erRmsyAGQ
Top 10 Saturday Night Live Cast Members of All Time: https://youtu.be/Ff5WfuepdcE

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How Our Dog Got 18 Million Followers

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New Trailers This Week | Week 40 (2020) | Movieclips Trailers

Check out the top new trailers released this week that you’ve gotta see! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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00:00 The Witches
02:12 Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm
05:12 The Craft: Legacy
07:35 Iron Mask
10:10 The True Adventures of Wolfboy
12:35 Minari
14:41 Spell
17:05 Echo Boomers
19:04 The Call
21:28 Tar
24:22 Kindred
26:38 Monsoon
28:26 Princess of the Row
30:37 The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story

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Top 20 Movies That Never Got Made

So close, yet so far. For this list we’ll be looking at planned movies that didn’t come to fruition, but which could have been amazing. Our countdown includes Francis Ford Coppola’s “Megalopolis”, “The Lord of the Rings” Starring The Beatles, George Miller’s “Justice League: Mortal”, and more! Which of these movies would YOU have loved to have seen? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great movie videos here:
Top 20 Best Movies of the Century (So Far): https://youtu.be/arTcRGsms6g
Top 10 Movies Everyone Should See at Least Once: https://youtu.be/TgvKHOXEpmM
Top 20 Greatest Movies Of All Time: https://youtu.be/6VO9wAfHvC0

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Top 10 Creepiest Video Game Mysteries of All Time

For a closer look at our number one entry, head over the MojoPlays and check out The Creepiest Video Game Mystery of All Time! https://youtu.be/Z_lWE1N7Gwk

It’s time to put on our detective hats and look at some of the most mysterious moments in gaming. For this list, we’ll be looking at moments in video games that had us questioning whether or not they were intentional, or if they were bugs, easter-eggs, or had a hidden meaning that hasn’t been discovered yet. Our countdown includes Hell Valley Shadow People “Super Mario Galaxy 2” (2010), Herobrine “Minecraft” (2011), 1987 “Five Nights at Freddy’s” (2014), What Happened to the Chozo? “Metroid” series (1986-) and more! Which of these mysteries freaks YOU out the most? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great gaming videos here:
Top 10 Best Wireless Gaming Headsets: https://youtu.be/OheTHumpcLs
The Most Terrifying Video Game Of All Time: https://youtu.be/ul6YHHTtAzo
The Scariest Moment in the Entire Resident Evil Franchise: https://youtu.be/HDKNC9E_N4Q

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Top 10 WTF Yu-Gi-Oh Moments

Card games in anime can be weird. Join Ashley as he counts down the moments across the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise that were just bizarre, including the likes of Joey’s Pointless Coma Duel, Zone’s Insane Origin Story, Mai’s Insane Marriage Proposal, and more! What do YOU think is the craziest thing to happen in a game of Duel Monsters? Let us know in the comments!

Check out these other anime videos on WatchMojo:
Top 10 Most Powerful Characters in Yu-Gi-Oh https://youtu.be/J49SAoWGOTY
Top 10 Monsters in Yugi Muto’s Deck https://youtu.be/vp9kDdyIsf4
Top 10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters https://youtu.be/c6S2VX5fsZA

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Bad Hair Trailer #1 (2020) | Movieclips Trailers

Check out the official Bad Hair trailer starring Elle Lorraine! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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US Release Date: October 23, 2020
Starring: Zaria Kelley, Corinne Massiah, Elle Lorraine 
Directed By: Justin Simien
Synopsis: In 1989 an ambitious young woman gets a weave in order to succeed in the image-obsessed world of music television. However, her flourishing career may come at a great cost when she realizes that her new hair may have a mind of its own.

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