#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #يحيي_الفخرانى و #نور_ الشريف
Frozen 2’s Mental Health Message Is On Point
Frozen 2 Made Us Understand Who Elsa And Anna Really Are
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Frozen II is a pretty awesome movie for a multitude of different reasons. From the funny dialog to the heartfelt moments, there is a lot to enjoy in the film.
However, there is a much deeper reason to truly appreciate the film, that being the positive message the movie makes in regards to dealing with serious mental health issues.
Not quite sure what we mean? Well, stick around and in this video, we will take a look at how Elsa overcomes a serious bout of anxiety, and how Anna faces down her own darkness, literally walks through it, and comes out on top.
Guess these two sisters really do learn, to let it go.
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Pokemon Shield – MELONY THE ICE LEADER! #5
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Gordon Ramsay How To Cook With Spice | Ultimate Cookery Course
Gordon Ramsay shows how to cook with spices, from cinnamon, sumac, paprika to saffron.
#GordonRamsay #Cooking
Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Fit Food/Healthy, Lean and Fit – http://po.st/REpVfP
If you liked this clip check out the rest of Gordon’s channels:
Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol.13
We’ve decided to mix things up a little bit by getting our two chefs to review kitchen gadgets AT THE SAME TIME. We’re not sure how this is going to go… health and safety officers at the ready?!! There’s some absolute treats waiting under the cloche…
Get the recipe for the lamb marinade: https://sortedfood.com/recipe/lambneckkebabs
You can find out more about the gadgets/ingredients we’ve reviewed in the links below. Just so you know, these are likely to be affiliate links, which means if you buy something from the store after clicking on them, the store will pay us a percentage of your basket… This doesn’t cost or change anything else for you!
Kebab Vertical Grill: https://amzn.to/2OZBNtz
Portable Espresso Machine: https://amzn.to/2su7Gma
MeoMitt: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/zunik/meomitt-the-magic-ergonomic-oven-mitt
Poachies Pockets: https://amzn.to/2Oyxhmz
Coconut meat scraper: https://amzn.to/2L3xWKE (DO NOT BUY THIS!)
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Hollywood Wants To Bring Actors Back From The Dead
Hollywood Draws No Lines To Cast The Perfect Actor
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It’s hard enough for living actors to book roles and get a career for themselves going in Hollywood. Now it seems like they might have to compete with movie legends that are no longer with us. What?
After a few instances of deceased actors appearing in films after their passing, like Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin and Paul Walker in Furious 7– this concept has just now been taken to a whole new level. It was announced that James Dean had been cast in an upcoming movie called Finding Jack. Yes, THAT James Dean. And no, he’s not “playing himself” or reprising a character he’s already played — the studio straight up wants to recreate him digitally and have him play a role in the movie. What is going on?
In this video we’re going to break this case down a little bit and explore how insane of an idea it is, and where it could lead us down the line!
Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?
Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously
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ميار الببلاوي وجـ ـدل حول خلعها للحجاب وردها النا ر ى وأزواجها وظهور منال عبد اللطيف بالحجاب
#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #منال_عبد_اللطيف و #ميار_الببلاوى
بالفيـ ديو مى نور الشريف تكشف بنفسها حقيقة زواجها وعيد ميلاد بوسى بحضور رامى شقيق هيثم أحمد زكى
#أخبار_النجوم شاهدوا #هيثم_أحمد_زكى و #مى_نور_الشريف