25 Small Details You Missed In Breaking Bad

Did you catch these hidden things in Breaking Bad? Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

Few shows have been as obsessively combed over as Breaking Bad. Reaching the height of its cultural ubiquity during its final season in 2015, it sometimes feels like every frame of the show has been picked apart and dissected by superfans. Surprisingly, it seems that Breaking Bad is the rare show that can stand up to this kind of scrutiny, and fans are still discovering easter eggs, references, and complex foreshadowing over the course of the show’s 62 episodes.

With the upcoming sequel film El Camino on the horizon, we thought now would be a good time to take a look back at the series as a whole, and pick out some of the most interesting details you may have missed. From blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-jokes to thought provoking thematic mirroring, we’ve got you covered.

A prop that connects the very end of the show to the very beginning. The dramatic foreshadowing for one of TV’s greatest deaths. The costuming choice that told us more about Breaking Bad’s characters. A payoff to a breakfast question many seasons in the making. A background detail that set up a major character. The set decoration that alludes to the shows opening credits. The creepy set up to one of Walt’s worst deeds. The subtle references to a departed character. The idea that hatched Gus’ most devious move. A clever cameo by series creator Vince Gilligan.

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Dana White Previews UFC 243

UFC President Dana white previews UFC 243: Whittaker vs Adesanya coming up this weekend live on Pay-Per-View.

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Know Before You Go: Joker | Movieclips Trailers

Need an update on why everybody is talking about Joaquin Phoenix’s take on the Clown Prince of Crime? Check out this quick, fact-filled catchup that will get you up to speed before you see ‘Joker’!
► Watch Joker Full Movie: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/joker-2019/MMVDE13EA433EC27EC389BC6BCC102637C67?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc

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► Joker Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZbXA4lyCtqpZlibOYUY-SxEdy53IaAA7
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A gritty character study of Arthur Fleck, a man disregarded by society.

Courtesy of Extreme Music

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Rhino vs Christian Cage – 8 Mile Street Fight: FULL MATCH (BFG 2006) | IMPACT Wrestling Full Matches

It was one of the most epic hardcore battles in IMPACT history: Rhino clashes with Christian Cage in a brutal 8 Mile Street Fight at Bound For Glory 2006!
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New Movies Coming Out in October 2019 | Movieclips Trailers

Here are the top trailers for movies coming out in October 2019! What will you go see?
Watch All the Best New Trailers from September 2019: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLScC8g4bqD44rmJ4t9UPNNjF3thXKIjjl?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc

00:00 Joker
02:25 Lucy in the Sky
04:54 Wrinkles the Clown
06:57 The Addams Family
09:30 Gemini Man
11:53 High Strung Free Dance
13:46 Jexi
16:10 Parasite
18:25 Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
20:42 Zombieland: Double Tap
23:07 Greener Grass
25:06 Jojo Rabbit
27:24 The Lighthouse
28:50 Black and Blue
31:35 Countdown
33:59 The Current War

Watch More Trailers:
► Hot New Trailers: http://bit.ly/2qThrsF
► Drama Trailers: http://bit.ly/2ARA8Nk
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The Fandango MOVIECLIPS TRAILERS channel delivers hot new trailers, teasers, and sneak peeks for all the best upcoming movies. Subscribe to stay up to date on everything coming to theaters and your favorite streaming platform.

10 Jurassic World 3 Theories That Could Change Everything

There are lots of reasons to be excited for Jurassic World 3! Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-Screenrant

Instead of waiting all the way until 2021, Universal Pictures and director Colin Trevorrow surprised us all with the premiere of Battle at Big Rock — a Jurassic World short film. The brisk eight minute short may have gone by fast, but there was a whole lot to take in after seeing it.

While the bulk of Battle at Big Rock was exciting enough in itself, the mid-credits scenes really packed a punch in terms of delivering a lot of promise for the next Jurassic World installment. Just like watching the Pteranodons ascend upon Las Vegas, we got even more footage of the dinosaurs in the real world. A dash cam shot showcases a car crash off a cliff due to a stegosaurus. A young child is chased around by small Compy dinosaurs. And a wedding gets disrupted when a couple of dinosaurs fly in to snatch up the white doves. The Battle at Big Rock showcased what we’ve been shown in many other Jurassic Park films — no matter how much their DNA is manipulated, the beasts still have the ability to breed. So, this confirms that all of the dinosaurs we see escape in Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom are not the only ones that need to get tracked down.

Let’s dive into some of the biggest fan theories to come from the film and the build-up leading to Jurassic World 3. From dinosaurs in our everyday life all the way to a bonkers theory tying in Jurassic World with another hit Universal franchise

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1917 Featurette – Behind the Scenes (2019) | Movieclips Trailers

Check out the official 1917 featurette starring Benedict Cumberbatch! Let us know what you think in the comments below.
► Buy or Rent 1917: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/1917-2019/MMV3B43A8E34C53CE22C569DCE561DA08257?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc

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US Release Date: December 25, 2019
Starring: Richard Madden, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Strong
Directed By: Sam Mendes
Synopsis: Two British soldiers experience one harrowing day while fighting in World War I.

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Minecraft R.A.D #7 |👊 اخيرا لقيت البقرة

المقطع برعاية ابوللي 😂
لازم اقلل من الكلمة , ابوللي ما ينفع

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