Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise Of Skywalker could reveal some surprsing details about Rey’s real parents! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:
The final entry in the Star Wars saga is coming this year, so you can bet the internet is already having a field day creating new fan theories about the limited information we already have. This is the avenue that led to disaster in 2017 but despite this, fans are still having fun speculating as to what may come to pass in The Rise of Skywalker. A big point of interest with fans is the reemergence of the question “who are Rey’s parents?”. We thought we got this answer in The Last Jedi, but a quick shot of a ship in the teaser trailer tells us something else. Adding fuel to this speculation is JJ Abrams himself, stating that what we’ve been told so far isn’t the whole picture when it comes to that particular topic. Then the internet really starts diving into it and a big commonality between some of the theories is her possible connection to Palpatine, a character confirmed to return in Episode IX in some way shape or form. It’s no longer impossible to imagine that the two are related, thanks largely in part to the Vader comic by Charles Soule.There’s a way for Rey’s parents to both be somebodies-or someone if it’s Palpatine, and for Kylo Ren to also be right in telling her that her parents were nobodies. This may be the path that pleases both the critics and fans of The Last Jedi. Of course, some theories are downright crazy but despite that, they do result in a good laugh so there is that! Let’s see if we can discover who Rey’s parents really are!
Script by Sean Gallagher
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