Why Avengers: Endgame’s Post Credits Ending Is Important

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Welcome back to ScreenRant! Quick warning: considering we’re talking about the post-credits scene in Endgame — there will naturally be MAJOR SPOILERS about the movie which came before it. Now let’s dive right in!

For eleven years, we’ve all enjoyed when Marvel movies end. The main reason why? The credit post-credits scenes tacked onto the end of the films. These scenes offer great teasers, character introductions, and who can forget the Avengers quietly enjoying a meal at the Shawarma Palace after their first movie. Well, we’re here to tell you that the Endgame post-credits scenes weren’t like anything Marvel’s done before — mainly because there weren’t any! But that doesn’t mean there were some subtle clues and things to look out for — so join us as we over-analyze some sound effects and look into a potential future of Marvel movies.

With an epic conclusion like we witnessed in Endgame, it would have felt kind of weird to see a small comedy bit of The Falcon trying out his new shield. We could have seen alien crows poking away at Thanos’ decapitated head. Maybe the heroic rat who released Scott Lang from the Quantum Realm getting caught in a trap. Realistically, if there was post-credits scene in Endgame it would have an upcoming scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Yep, you read it right — we are doing a WHOLE VIDEO just on the sound effects. That’s like doing a whole video on a single rat in Avengers: Endgame — oh yeah we will have that video too! So let’s break this video down. It’s definitely related to Iron Man, but how!? Could Tony Stark still be alive or have we seen the last of Robert Downey Jr. in the MCU?! Watch along with us to determine all the possibilities and what this means for the future of the MCU!

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Turning Pencil Lead into Diamonds

In this video we’re debunking a viral video where diamond is made from a pencil, glass is made from sand and a blow torch, and geodes are formed with rocks and boiling water.

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The REAL Hero Of Avengers: Endgame No One Saw Coming

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Welcome back to Screenrant! It may seem a tad bit obvious here, but there will be MAJOR SPOILERS for Avengers Endgame — so if you haven’t seen it, tap that little pause button, bookmark the video, and come back when you’re ready!

Wow! That pretty much sums up our reaction of Endgame. Seeing all those heroes on the big screen together was incredible. Iron Man saves the day, Captain America wields the Mjolnir, and Thor braids his beard using lightning. While we got to see a collection of larger than life heroes, there’s one tiny hero who may deserve the most praise of all — and no we’re not talking about Ant-Man.

Despite half of all living things disappearing — cities like San Francisco were still dealing with some major rodent problems. Especially at the U-Store-It storage facilities where the Quantum Realm van must have been stored after all these years. About 20 minutes into the movie, our heroes get the real help we needed — from a rat of all things. The rodent crawls across the back of the van — hits a button and activates the quantum realm machine — bursting Scott Lang out of the realm and allowing our hero’s journey to begin.

But the use of the rat did raise a lot of questions — questions we provide answers to in this very video! Dive deeper than you ever thought about a five second clip of a rat activating a quantum realm machine! Learn how this rat may become more famous than Splinter or even Rizzo from the Muppets! Watch to learn about the REAL hero of the Avengers.

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