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Our Favorite Weather Songs | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

☀️ ⛈ Is it sunny, rainy, cloudy, or snowy where you are? Learn all about the four seasons of the year, and different weather conditions through this fun collection of kids songs about weather from Super Simple Songs.❄️ ⛅
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10 Critically HATED Video Games That Players LOVE

DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH. For every handful of awful games that gets released, an unnoticed gem squeaks through the machinery. Sometimes, critics and fans alike miss out on some of the best games on the market.

This is TheGamers list of Critically Hated Video Games That Are Actually Amazing. What overlooked games are some of your favorites? Let us know in the comments section below!


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Alien Isolation got largely ho-hum reviews, even though it’s a phenomenal game for fans of horror, stealth, and, well, Alien movies. Hardly anyone gave Hitman (2016) a chance, probably thanks to its episodic release schedule. They missed out on one of the best games of the year. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was a sleeper masterpiece in the Xbox 360 era, aided by the writer of Ex Machina and Andy Serkis, the actor who played Golum (and most other CGI characters you remember). Then there are Mass Effect: Andromeda and The Order: 1886, games that fell victim to their own hype.

It was a misstep to release Mad Max on the same day as Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. It’s also easy, with a little effort, to overlook the flaws of Skyrim VR to see its open-world majesty. Who could forget the whole No Man’s Sky debacle, despite that it’s a pretty chill universe exploration simulator? And people scoffed at 1-2 Switch, even though it’s a killer party game for non-gamers. If you’re going to pick a game to hate on, New Super Mario Bros. 2 seems like an odd choice.


Script by: Chris Reed

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Lashan Ranasinghe

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اضغط زر الايك والزر الاحمر وتعال نسولف في التعليقات …

اضغط زر التنبيهات وفعله اللي جنب الاشتراك عشان اول ما ينزل مقطع جديد يجيك اشعار !! اشوفك بكرا الساعة 6 المغرب يا حللوو

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Happy Holidays :)

Some holiday fun and a red hot nickel ball on a moving toy train. Thanks Phil for sending it in 🙂

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Happy Holidays :)

Some holiday fun and a red hot nickel ball on a moving toy train. Thanks Phil for sending it in 🙂

SUBSCRIBE: http://full.sc/1bnslc9
FACEBOOK: http://full.sc/1dT2aaM

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