Speedpaint (Paint Tool SAI) How to Choose Colours? ✪ In Russian ✪

Кто сделает субтитры, получит плюшку от меня в виде мерча (комикс, наклейки, открыточки)!
Video needs subtitles! The first one who makes it gets my comic book or stickers or greeting cards for free! Thank you!

✪Stream channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcGLfA0siMtcduAo0jJGVJg
✪My PATREON page: https://www.patreon.com/Mireys?ty=h
✪INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/m.i.r.a.y.s/

✪ Music Track:

✪ Programs and tools:
Paint Tool SAI, Adobe premiere pro CC
Huion GT220

مراجعة جوال سوني اكسبيريا الجديد Xperia XZ1 وهل يستاهل او لا؟

في هذا الفيديو نراجع لكم جوال سوني الجديد الاكسبيريا Xperia XZ1 ونستعرض جديد
التقنيات واهم خصائصه اللي موجوده فيه

رابط المنتج:

The Video is a Tech Pills Production , for info & ADs contact info@tpprod.com
هذا الفيديو من انتاج مؤسسة تيك بيلز

للانتاج والتواصل والاعلان info@tpprod.com

سناب فيصل السيف https://www.snapchat.com/add/faisaltechpills

موقعنا http://www.tpprod.com/ Our Website

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Pitch Perfect 3 Trailer #2 | Movieclips Trailers

Pitch Perfect 3 Trailer #2 (2017): Check out the new trailer starring Ruby Rose, Hailee Steinfeld, and Anna Kendrick! Be the first to watch, comment, and share trailers and movie teasers/clips dropping soon @MovieclipsTrailers.

► Buy Tickets to Pitch Perfect 3: http://www.fandango.com/pitchperfect3_188389/movieoverview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc

Watch more Trailers:
► HOT New Trailers Playlist: http://bit.ly/2hp08G1
► What to Watch Playlist: http://bit.ly/2ieyw8G
► Comedy Trailer Collection Playlist: http://bit.ly/2iFDytL

About Movieclips Trailers:
► Subscribe to TRAILERS:http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
► We’re on SNAPCHAT: http://bit.ly/2cOzfcy
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/1QyRMsE
► Follow us on TWITTER:http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt

The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for hot new trailers the second they drop. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers team is here day and night to make sure all the hottest new movie trailers are available whenever, wherever you want them.

British Guys Try to Cook… Authentic Mexican Carnitas

What happens when British guys try to make a traditional Mexican dish – pork carnitas? Let us know how we did in the comments. Is it authentic?

Get the recipe here: http://bit.ly/SortedCarnitasRecipe

If you want to find out more about the niffy jug gadget Ben used, here is the links you’ll need – we haven’t been paid/sponsored to talk about it, but it is an affiliate links, which means if you click on them we may receive a very small amount or percentage if you go on to purchase – this adds no extra cost to you. http://amzn.to/2iWSTuP

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Subscribe to SORTEDfood and press the bell button to get notifications each time we post. http://bit.ly/2otgXbf

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#صاحي : دايركت من السعودية الى موريشيوس

قناة صاحي بالتعاون مع الخطوط السعودية ، وتغطية لأول رحلة للخطوط السعودية إلى جمهورية موريشيوس ، تقديم علي الحميدي
لا تنسون الاشتراك والنشر
موقع صاحي:
فيسبوك صاحي:
تويتر صاحي:

🔴سحبت سيارة مستر شنب بسلك الشاحن !!! شوفو وش صار

لتواصل و الاعلان : ( abdul111x@gmail.com )
لا تنسى تكتب الكومنت جميل ولا تنسى الايك والاشتراك عشان اتحمس و انزل كثير❤
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انستقرام حقي : http://instagram.com/abdul1x
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Craziest Photobombs Guessing Game

Can we guess who’s dropping in on these crazy photos? GMM #1186
Don’t miss Ear Biscuits on This is Mythical: http://bit.ly/EBRabbitHole
SUBSCRIBE to GMM: http://bit.ly/subrl2 | Watch today’s GMMore: http://bit.ly/ButterbeerBomb
Get our brand new GMM merch: http://mythical.store

Follow Rhett & Link:
Website: http://mythical.co
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Other Rhett & Link Channels:
Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink
Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore
This Is Mythical Kitchen: https://youtube.com/mythicalkitchen

Watch More GMM:
Choose a Season: http://bit.ly/2axhxZN
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Listen to our podcast, Ear Biscuits:
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JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity: http://bit.ly/rlkommunity

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Submit a Wheel of Mythicality intro video: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro

Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine
Executive Producer: Darren Belitsky
Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett
Writer/Producer: Micah Gordon
Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik
Writer/Producer: Ellie McElvain
Writer/Producer: Matt Carney
Writer/Producer: Eliza Bayne
Writers Assistant: Nick Lopez
Associate Producer: Chase Hilt
Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke
Editor: Casey Nimmer
Graphics: Matthew Dwyer
Art Director: Colin J. Morris
Production Assistant: Davin Tjen
Content Manager: Becca Canote
Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb

Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com
Intro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com
Outro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com
Wheel of Mythicality Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/
All Supplemental Music: Opus 1 Music http://opus1.sourceaudio.com/
Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/

#عالأقل_دقيقتين_كل_أثنين: جوجل وشراكتها مع HTC …

دعم للقناة عبر التسوق في امازون.كوم
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Maze Runner: The Death Cure Trailer #1 (2018) | Movieclips Trailers

Maze Runner: The Death Cure Trailer #1 (2018): Check out the new trailer starring Kaya Scodelario, Dylan O’Brien, and Nathalie Emmanuel! Be the first to watch, comment, and share trailers and movie teasers/clips dropping soon @MovieclipsTrailers.

► Buy Tickets to Maze Runner: The Death Cure: https://www.fandango.com/mazerunner:thedeathcure_186638/movieoverview?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc

Watch more Trailers:
► HOT New Trailers Playlist: http://bit.ly/2hp08G1
► What to Watch Playlist: http://bit.ly/2ieyw8G
► Epic Action Trailer Playlist: http://bit.ly/2hOtbnD

Young hero, Thomas, embarks on a mission to find a cure to a deadly disease known as the “Flare”.

About Movieclips Trailers:
► Subscribe to TRAILERS:http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
► We’re on SNAPCHAT: http://bit.ly/2cOzfcy
► Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/1QyRMsE
► Follow us on TWITTER:http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt

The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers channel is your destination for hot new trailers the second they drop. The Fandango MOVIECLIPS Trailers team is here day and night to make sure all the hottest new movie trailers are available whenever, wherever you want them.