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10 Funny Fails Caught In Mario Party

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Which Mario Party game is the toughest? 10 Funny Fails Caught In Mario Party! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

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Mario Party has been around for numerous years and still continues to provide entertainment for gamers. The mini-games are a great way to keep the competition alive and provide plenty of different ways to play. While it feels great to win, there are numerous times where players will fail at games. This is where a lot of the fun takes place. All the way from the original Mario Party up to the newest version for the Wii-U, there have been a huge collection of fails that gamers have managed to capture.

Poor Wario is always trying to win, but he ends up failing and getting stung by bees, bombed off a snow course, or even getting pushed off a cliff. Wario’s buddy WaLuigi doesn’t fare much better either, especially when it comes to the golf course. He swings and hits bomb after bomb in a frustrating mini-game. Peach embarks in a fun game of baseball, but she instantly gets out on the first pitch. Yoshi has a lot of advantages while playing, but his giant nose isn’t one of them. It ends up getting him knocked out of a limbo contest in a matter of seconds. Elimination games are great in Mario Party, especially when you don’t have to do anything. Luigi gets really lucky when all of the other players roll off a cliff and he’s the last one left standing. Sometimes no player wins at all and that’s exactly what happens in the avalanche mini-game. Villains like Bowser and the Boos also create a lot of fails for players like Mario and Daisy.

Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Hunter Peterson

Edited by: Jordan Biordi

Wario’s Fails | 0:30
Waluigi Bogey Bombs | 1:28
Peach’s Pop-Up | 2:28
Yoshi’s Limbo Fail | 3:30
Luigi’s Blind Luck | 4:33
The Avalanche Fail | 5:35
Bowser’s Unfair Revolution | 6:35
Pressing Your Luck | 7:35
Peach Gets Swarmed By Ghosts | 8:36
Luigi Does Nothing | 9:33

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