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Who Will Be Game of Thrones’ Prophesied Azor Ahai? (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot)

Game of Thrones has told us that Azor Ahai is the legendary warrior who stopped the White Walkers and would return to do it again, but who will it be? Jessica is breaking down the odds (WITH SPOILERS) on today’s Nerdist News!

Thanks to NBC’S Midnight, Texas for sponsoring today’s episode! Don’t forget to check back on Saturday, August 5th at 6pm PT for our livestream with the cast and creators of the show here on Nerdist’s YouTube channel! Submit questions for the Midnight, Texas team on Twitter using the hashtag #MidnightTexas

Who do you think will be the prophesied warrior? Let us know in the comments below!

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Image: HBO


The Witcher 3 gets a coloring book, new Persona games announced, GTA and Rockstart face another lawsuit, and more stuff happening in gaming brought to you by Jake.
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Dev on Xbox One X – http://wccftech.com/killing-floor-2-runs-1800p-xbox-one-x/

Witcher Coloring book – https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-witcher-3-coloring-book-is-not-for-kids/1100-6452211/

GTA sued again – http://gameranx.com/updates/id/114115/article/rockstar-games-facing-lawsuit-over-gta-vice-citys-auntie-poulet/

Destiny 2 sharing http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-08-04-destiny-2-blocks-some-popular-game-capture-programs-and-discord-overlays

Friday the 13th a success http://gameranx.com/updates/id/113888/article/friday-the-13th-the-game-passes-1-8-million-sales/

Sonic Forces gameplay: https://youtu.be/O5-Al0NcX9k

Personas https://www.gamespot.com/articles/persona-5-characters-likely-to-star-in-newly-annou/1100-6452207/

The Best Switch case https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/6q5x19/zelda_themed_nintendo_switch_case/

SNES Classic pre-orders coming this month – https://www.gamespot.com/articles/how-to-pre-order-a-snes-classic/1100-6451207/


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Crainer and Thea’s Channel

NEW EDITOR(Russel)!!

Kehaan(Set up the server)

Neo’s Channel(Helped make the game!)

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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: http://99l.tv/Subscribe
Album Download Link: http://99l.tv/Levelup-i

family friendly pg clean

Thanks for watching!

أغرب 5 لاعبين كمال أجسام لم تسمع عنهم من قبل !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
أشترك معنا الأن – بالضغط على زر أشتراك ليصلك كل ما هو جديد
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لاعبي كمال الاجسام يمتلكون اجساد رائعة للغاية , دائماً ما يتمتعون بطول القامة ؛ قوة البنية و ضخامة العضلات. ولكن اليوم سنقدم لكم بعض الاشخاص الذين واجهوا صعوبات وتحديات كثيرة من اجل تحقيق حلمهم بأن يصبحوا لاعبي كمال اجسام محترفين :

Nick Crompton Collab – YLYL #0002

Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS3dxL0E1kc&list=PLYH8WvNV1YEm6ETE_AS0nV2sKIsU2cUPW
ma neme nick crompton and my collar stay poping yes i cant rap and in o i m noy from cormpton. england ismy city and i give this one to chance oghhiack

Arcane Enchanter – AweMe Artists

Thank you to SToK Cold Brew Coffee for fueling today’s episode. Learn how we brew, http://bit.ly/SToKcoffee

Subscribe to AWE me ►► http://bit.ly/AWEsub
Get AWE me Gear – http://brrk.cm/AWEmeMerch

Watch more from the AWE me Artist Series ►► http://bit.ly/AWEmeArt

On this episode, see how we make an Arcane Enchanter!

Artwork by Marissa Deal
Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elevenleftshoes/
You can download the “Muggle Worthy” stickers here: http://bit.ly/2oRHFWO – just resize as needed.

More AWEme on Facebook ► http://facebook.com/awemechannel
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10 Minecraft Speed Runs You NEED To See

Try out ThePremium Network for free: https://goo.gl/URs6sk

Can you believe how fast some gamers can complete these levels? 10 Minecraft Speedruns That Will Never Be Beaten! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G

Minecraft is a game that encourages players to take their time, explore, and really experience various worlds. That hasn’t stopped players from attempting speed run records in all different versions of the game. A Minecraft speed run can be done in the traditional version of the game or through one or many custom map designs.

The basic Minecraft speed run is completing the game with any percentage of accomplishments. This was done in mere minutes by a player who was able to build a portal and defeat the ender dragon. A number of other players chose to play custom maps and get speed runs records. The Parkour challenge is a crazy speed run that features multiple jumps, twists, and challenges along the way. The dropper is a unique speed run that has players navigate through worlds that they drop down into. The Wood Mansion is scary enough to explore, but some players have attempted speed runs that includes no weapons or armor as they go through. The custom world Infernal Sky II includes some crazy sections and a ton of areas to explore. All of that is skipped as players try to reach the end goal as quickly as possible. This is similar to the Continents 2 world, a highly detailed world where players must collect items and defeat enemies to reach the altar at the end. Super Mario Rainbow road takes the classic Mario Kart world to all new levels with a course that takes over 30 minutes to complete. Meanwhile, the Sonic the Hedgehog speed run is completed in less than two minutes.

عصابة تسرق الايفونات بطريقة غريبة! وانستجرام يستمر في اكتساح سناب شات! واهمية السوق السعودي لهواوي

في هذا الفيديو نتكلم عن عصابة تسرق الايفونات بطريقة مريبة وانستجرام لازال مستمر في اكتساح سناب شات وايضاً نتكلم عن اهمية السوق السعودي لهواوي

فيديو سرقة الايفون

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