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أغرب الهدايا الدبلوماسية التي قُدمت لرؤساء العالم | هدية صدام هى الأغرب !!
( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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تُعتبر الهدايا الدبلوماسية بين الدول رمزًا للتعبير عن الصداقة بين البلدين، أو للتعبير للشكر والامتنان للمساعدات المُقدمة، ولكن أحيانًا تكون الهدايا غريبة وتتسبب في إحراج بين الدول، أليكم قائمة لأغرب الهدايا الدبلوماسية التي مُنحت لقادة العالم :
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Unboxing Star Wars 1997 Interactive VHS Game w/ Footage! – Millennial Falcon
Jenny reveals what foods Snoke looks like and then invites Jennifer Landa from the Force Center podcast to play the original Star Wars Interactive game from 1996.
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10 Dumb Things NPCs LOVE Doing In Games
Try out ThePremium Network for free: https://goo.gl/URs6sk
What’s the most frustrating experience you’ve had with a video game NPC? 10 Dumb Things NPCs LOVE Doing In Games! Subscribe now to TheGamer! https://goo.gl/AIH31G
So NPCs are dumb. That’s just a fact of life. They are just mindless robots made to act like player characters and fail almost every time. Today we look at 10 Things NPCs Do that Make No Sense. Have a world destroying mask or item of great power? If you are an NPC you will most likely leave that in the open where any villain can find it. Walking through walls is an NPC past time. We talk about some of our favorite NPC glitches. The world of an NPC must be pretty violent if they are completely okay with witnessing a murder and then go about like nothing happened. It is even more absurd to believe that the same guard can be killed and then the player can take their place like nothing ever happened. We talk about how common it is for heroes and players to crash into the homes of NPCs and steal all their stuff. Nothing says chosen hero like a little breaking and entering. NPCs must also lack any agency or a friend to help them out because it is common to see a complete stranger just walk up to you and ask if you can do something trivial or complicated on their behalf. We look at all these tropes and many more in this top 10 list. Be sure to subscribe to The Gamer for more videos and content on the games you love. Make sure to like us On Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more updates.
Day 17 Pick: Atelier Month
Should be good… right?
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